MONDAY MUSINGS BY WANGECHI KURIA. IS THERE ANY WISDOM IN BEING SUCCESSFUL YET ALONE? In our world today, cut throat competition in all aspects is prevalent. As such, we are all lost in the chase to grab as much as we can to ourselves for ourselves. After all it’s a capitalist economy where it is every man for himself and Him for us all. As the arduous chase ensues, we take many detours in life. We forget what really matters in life. We forget who we are and those who really mean the most to us. We assume they will always be there. We neglect our families and friends in pursuit of material possession. The reason for not being there is always the fact that there is no time .We are fully occupied and engrossed in what we do that the little time we are free is for a nap. Success is sweet while shared. You will be shocked when you realize that you will get to the top faster when you garner support from others in life. It is also unwise to live a skewed life; you have to balance your life by creating a linkage to form a web that weaves up your economic, social, spiritual and physical spheres. Take time out of your busy schedule to connect with your loved ones. Take time to help your children to complete their assignments, take time to listen how they got a new math’s teacher who is teaching calculus really well, take time to hug them goodbye every morning as they go to school. If you got a spouse take time to connect with them, take time to acknowledge them. One of the worst assumption that we have made today is that all that we need to be happy is money .But how come even after laborious hassles and we get all the money that we have always wanted we end up feeling so empty and deprived ?Studies show that human beings are social beings and no matter the amount of wealth that you got you need someone to listen and connect with .So spare sometime out of your hectic schedules and go out to meet with a friend .To sit down with your family and just learn how to have a good time with them ;for when the chance and time passes, forever it is gone. The relationships that we make are emotional bank accounts .Make sure you make hefty deposits to be able to make a withdrawal in future .Even to those people who often go unnoticed acknowledge them : when you pass by the gate , say hello to the watch man. When you are free cook some tea for him, say hello to the lady cleaning your hostel every morning. When you pass by the groceries stall say thank you to that lady. After being served in the bank say thank you to the cashier .It only takes a second, but it means the world to them. Have a lovely week satiated with connections.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:30:01 +0000

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