MONDAYS EPISODE ON # WLTFM EP 76 In Almonte Beach House, - TopicsExpress


MONDAYS EPISODE ON # WLTFM EP 76 In Almonte Beach House, Agua Azul, Alejandro and Montserrat comfort Rosario after her recounting of the sad story of her abuse and betrayal by the incredibly evil Benjamin Almonte. Alejandro vows to make up for all the suffering Rosario endured, declaring, too, that his mother is perfect with or without the new clothes and grooming standards, and he’s proud of her for having struggled and lived in spite of having endured such terrible and unjust treatment. Rosario says that having Alejandro was worth everything, and she wants nothing else. With Ale and Montse now, Rosario is the happiest woman in the world. Loving group hug time! ... each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way: At Mansion Mendoza, another mother and son have a much less endearing conversation: Gracie wants to know what happened with DIM and Pedro and doesnt want DIM to hide things from her. DIM tells her that he told Adolfo who told Pedro about how he (DIM) might or might not be an Almonte heir, and Gracie get mad at him for being inept. DIM is back at Gracie quickly and tells her what he does or doesnt do is nothing compared to what gossip-mongers in Agua Azul are saying about Gracie herself and the crazy, verging-on- incestuous familial relations of the Almonte- Mendoza clan: Gracie sold her own daughter to her lover’s son who might actually be the half-brother of Graciess son which would makeher son and son-in-law half- brothers and her daughter the wife and sister- in-law...etc. Gracie claims she doesn’t care, that she’s rather be the talk of the town than poor. Besides, all families have their dirty secrets to hide. She walks out in a huff, leaving DIM to comment to her retreating backside, “Mommy dearest, you’re not going to see one peso of that money.” Hacienda Almonte: Esmeralda and María sit in the living room, each lost in their own sad memories. María remembers bitterly the conversation she overheard of Alejandro promising Montserrat that nothing had happened between him and María. He tried, he admits, out of anger and jealousy over Montse, but he says it didn’t work because it was only Montse he loved, missed, and wanted with him every night. At the same time, Esme remembers her conversation with Refugio after shed been fired from her job at La Escondida ( thanks in part to his efforts) and he encouraged her to teach dancing instead. She thanked him for loving her and told him that as long as she had him it was all that was important. Still in her own reverie, María cries: “I lost him forever!” “Me, too!” cries a bruised and battered Esme. Aware that they are not talking about the same thing at all, Maria asks her, “What happened to you?” “Nothing,” says Esme. “And to you?” “Nothing,” says María and walks out. House of José-Luis and Angélica, Agua Azul: An emotional Refugio tells J-L that every day he’s more anguished about Esmeralda. He needs some news of her. J-L wants to know if Refugio has looked for her, and Refugio insists he has looked everywhere. The woman at the club hasnt heard anything since Esme told her that she (Esme) was giving up exotic dancing to be with Refugio, and Refugio recalls how he ended his last conversation with Esme on the phone and feels terrible. J-L agrees that Refugio last phone call with Esme was pretty rough and that maybe she decided to leave town. Refugio is still worried, though, and tells J-L about the time he came to visit Esme when he and J-L were hiding at the hacienda, and he found that Esme had been beaten up, though she would never tell him who did it. He is worried the same thing has happened now. Refugio swears if it did he’s not going to let it pass again without doing something about it. J-L says that maybe that guy came looking for her Esme went into hiding to avoid him. “Where, Where?” Refugio wants to know. “I won’t have any peace until I find her again.” Dinner Table, Hacienda Almonte : Esmeralda makes a misguided attempt at conversation with María, reflecting that since María is at the hacienda this must mean Alejandro’s back together with Montserrat. Esme thinks this is great—Ale and Montse deserve to be happy after all they’ve been through. But María uses this as an opportunity to show the crazy and claims that Montse stole Alejandro from her— took everything--and that all that Montse deserves is to be the most unhappy woman in the world. In fact, María’s going to dedicate her life to making this happen. Esme and the servant exchange “ Qué the hell?” looks, but oblivious to having lost all appearances sanity, María goes on, saying that the money Ale got from Benjamin Almonte changed Ale, even though her father said it wouldn’t. Ale bought a wife, but María hopes (Ojalá !) that Ale might become poor again, so he’d see that Montse and her family would want nothing to do with him—they’d just send him to the devil. This seems to give María an new evil idea as she reflects that if this happened, he would then see who really loves him and come back to her. Esme has a Wow, this chick has really lost it look. Beach House Almonte, Agua Azul: Marcario, Dominga, and Padre Anselmo are admiring Rosario’s new, mother-of-the-h acienda-owner look. Padre A. throws in an un- priestly wolf whistle to show he’s impressed with how well Rosie has cleaned up. Padre says Rosario can’t know how happy he is that Rosario finally decided to tell Alejandro the truth about being his mother. Here, Dominga is shocked again because she had no idea about this latest development. Mac says he’ll take her into the kitchen and explain everything. With Dominga and Mac gone, Padre Anselmo and Rosario sit down and discuss the situation at length. Padre A. says he doesnt need to ask Rosario to know that Ale was crazy with happiness when he found out the news. They comment that many things have happened, and Padre remembers that Ale was in a rage when he left the hacienda and nearly killed a man, but notes that time in jail affected him deeply and that Ale seems truly repentant. Rosario reflects that it’s a good thing that J-L didn’t die and also that he didn’t press charges again Ale. Padre A. seems to think this was the right thing to do because J-L is guilty, too: J-L lied, hid at the hacienda, worked as the capataz , and befriended Ale only for the purpose of stealing away Montse. J-L is hardly innocent, much less a victim. Rosario says that the important thing is that Ale realized all the errors he committed and wants to make things right. Padre comments that he supposes that Ale asked forgiveness of Montse, too. Smiling Rosario says and not only this —“He even divorced her!” Not yet in on the joke, Padre A. looks shocked, “¿Que?” Back in Casa J-L and Angélica, the conversation has shifted from Refugio’s woman problems to J-L’s. J-L tells Refugio that he heard that Ale and Montse just signed divorce papers and you what this means? It means that she’s free! Yes, but YOU’RE NOT, Refugio reminds him. But she still loves me, J-L declares. Clearly exasperated, Refugio tells J-L to pone tus pies sobre la tierra basically, get his feet back on solid ground. J-L promised to be with Angélica for the time that she has left. He reminds J-L that Angie stayed with him all day and night while he was in the hospital and now he’s just going to leave her when she needs him? J-L gets offended and claims he can’t believe Refugio would think he (J-L) would ever do something like that. But Refugio has been through this before and knows better: “Brother,” Refugio tells him, pointedly, “you’ve already done a lot of stupid things for Montse, and it wouldn’t surprise me if you did more.” J-L says he’s not thinking of abandoning Angie, but think that if Montse loves him, she’ll wait for him. Mansion Mendoza : Very happy and in-love Alejandro and Montse walk arm- in-arm and hand-in-hand as Montse thanks Ale for bringing her home. He tells her he doesn’t like saying goodbye to her and says that her place and their son’s place is with him (Alejandro) now. She says she knows this, but as long as María is still living under Ale’s roof, she (Montse) prefers to live in her old home. He understands and promises that by the day of the baptism, he will have that sorted out. Alejandro reminds her that they still need to decide who will be he godparents of little Lauro. Montse says that she had thought it would be DIM and Josie, but that she doesn’t think things arent going well with them now: DIM stayed in his old room last night, but Montse hasn’t had a chance to talk to him yet about whats going on. Ale says they have to think of someone else. Nadia? Montse suggests. Ale says that would be okay if Victor could be the godfather, but that he (Ale) can’t stand that Pedro Medina. At this moment, Tía Carlotta comes running in telling them she’s got to talk to them about a delicate matter. Montse wants to know if it’s about little Lauro and if he’s okay. Carlotta says yes, he’s fine, but tells them the story about how she was out in the garden alone with Lauro when suddenly María came up, gave Carlotta a big conk on the head with a rock and tried to take the baby away! Thank god Padre Anselmo, Mac, and Dominga appeared just at that moment, or who knows what would have happened. Ale and Montse both looked shocked and distraught. Montse says she’s got to see her son and runs out, followed by Ale and Tía. In his crib, little Lauro is safe and sound and being watched over by the another servant. Carlotta comments that the baby is okay, but Montse is upset that Tía didn’t let them know sooner and Tía says that she didn’t want to worry them, but that they have to do something to prevent María from doing something like that again—“That woman is crazy dangerous!” Tía declares. Montse shows her continued frustration with Ale’s blind spot for María and says she hopes that he finally realizes that everything María does is to try to manipulate him. She’s capable of anything! Ale asks Montse to please calm down and not to worry. He promises he’ll make sure that María wont get close to their son again. Seemingly eager to revel in her new romantic interest, Tía tells them that she has informed Police Chief Basurto who has promised that he’ll make sure María doesn’t get close to any of them again. The police are already looking for her. At that same moment in Pedro’s New Trophy Mansion, Agua Azul, Police Chief Basurto is filling Pedro in on the situation with crazy María. The shoe drops for Pedro who comments that she must be the niece of Juventino, and that, since they both share the same bad blood, María might be useful to them. He wants to talk María as soon as Basurto finds her. Nadia enters with a tray, saying she took the liberty of making some coffee for them. Still convinced that Basurto and Pedro are lovers, she notes that Basurto is always around and comments to Pedro how just the other day, Basurto was saying such wonderful things about his admiration for Pedro that it made her jealous. Oblivious to the insinuation, Pedro takes it all in as if it’s to be expected, but Basurto looks uncomfortable as Nadia comments that it seems that Pedro and Basurto have something stronger going on than just a work relationship. Pedro just tells her that, yes, he and Basurto are doing some business together and that every day their relationship is getting closer. Nadia says, great, and that she didn’t mean to interrupt them and will let them keep talking. Pedro, sighs, takes a swig of his drink. Basurto toasts Pedro, saying, “ Salud ,” but his look seems to suggest he’s doing some serious weighing of options. Kitchen, Beach House Almonte : Macario enters, commenting to Dominga that she only just arrived but she’s already cooking! Dominga says that cooking relaxes her, but then goes on to state how surprised she was to learn about Rosario being Ale’s mother and also gets upset at Marcario for not telling her sooner. Mac says Rosario made him promise to be discrete, and he couldn’t just tell the whole world. Dominga says she’s not the whole world, but Mac asks her not to be mad at him and promises that he won’t keep secrets from her any more. As a type of punishment, she makes him peel the potatoes. They sit at the table and gossip for a while as Dominga says it was also an ugly surprise to realize that Montse’s mother was the same woman who was the lover of Don Benjamin all those years, and she wonder if Ale knew when he married Montse. Mac says, of course, Ale had to know. Dominga says that Mac was gone for a long time, but that Gracie visited Don B. at least once a month without fail. She wonders if Mac had much to do with Gracie when he worked at the hacienda, and he says no, at least no more than anyone who was working there and he doubts that Gracie would remember him…. However, he says, changing course as he remembers something himself, there was ONE TIME many years ago when this woman (Gracie) asked him for help. For what, Dominga wants to know. But Mac gets defensive here and back tracks and says why are we talking about this? Here, Dominga gets mad again and says Mac promised not to hide things from her any more, but Macario seems nervous and suddenly fearful, asks Dominga not to be angry, and runs out of the kitchen praising her cooking genius again to try to change the subject. At the same time in Mansion Mendoza, said woman, the ex-lover of Don Benjamin, Graciela Mendoza, happens to be thinking about Macario. She reflects to herself that Juventino told her that Mac had left and gone far away, that he was probably even dead. She doesn’t understand what happened…. SEPARATED AT BIRTH? As coincidence would have it, Gracie’s eye drama is interrupted by the voice of Alejandro as he suggests to Montserrat at just that moment that Macario and Dominga could be the godparents of little Lauro. Montse thinks that’s a good idea and comments that both Mac and Dominga care about Alejandro a lot. He tells her that they both care about Montse, too. But Gracie is not having any of this interrupts Ale and Montse to say that she doesn’t want two servants being the godparents of her grandson. Imagine what people will say! Montse tells Gracie not to meddle in things that don’t concern her, and, besides, Montse and Ale don’t care what people say. Anyway, that’s nothing compared to the scandal there will be when everyone realizes that her (Montse’s) husband and brother are actually half-brothers themselves! Gracie stands her ground at this attack and is back at Montse, proclaiming that it’s not important to her (Gracie) what bad names people call her, but that Montse can’t imagine how much more it hurts her (Gracie) to know what people are saying about Montse. Everyone thinks that Montse cheated on Ale with another man and that this is the reason that Ale tried to kill J-L. Newly gallant Ale comments that with time these rumors will end. Gracie thinks it would be a good idea for Montse to accept the offer that Angélica made —it would be a way to quiet people down. “What offer?” Ale wants to know. Cue ominous potential jealous rage background music. “You mean you didn’t tell your husband?” Gracie says to Montse. “No,” says Montse, quickly. “I thought it was a silly idea.” “Well if you’re not going to tell him, I am,” announces Gracie, angrily, and proceeds to tell Ale that Angie asked Montse if Angie and J-L could be the godparents of little Lauro. Seemingly nervous, Montse tells Ale that, of course, she said no, and suggests they go outside, leaving Gracie rolling her eyes and calling Montse an idiot. Outside the house, Montse asks Ale if what Gracie told him annoyed him. She is seems worried that this mere mention of J-L will start Ale down the dark path of rage and jealously again. But new attitude Ale stuns Montse and says, no, it’s actually it’s the opposite, and he is even wondering if they should accept Angie’s offer. Cue sweet, understanding background music instead. Montse looks at Ale, surprised but clearly pleased. Ale goes one for a bit saying that he knows that Montse and Angie are friends and that, too, J-L will always have feelings for Montse. Ale thinks it’s better just to accept this. Besides, Ale wants to show Montse that he has confidence in her now and that he knows that he’s (Ales) the one she loves and has chosen to be with in life. Montse thanks him and tells him he can’t imagine how happy this makes her to hear him say this, but she still thinks they shouldn’t accept. Think about it he urges —also he notes that if they accept, it will calm down the rumor mill always grinding away in Agua Azul. Maybe look from Montse to end the scene. Casa de Angélica and José-Luis : J-L is resting and recuperating on the sofa as Angie enters to check on him. She wants to know how he is and he says that everyday his wound hurts him less. She asks when he’s going to return to work, and he says that he still has a few more days of free time and kisses her. Good, she comments then we can stay together all the time. He says that tomorrow he has to go to the Naval Base to sign some papers but that he should be home before midday. She says she’ll have dinner waiting for whenever he wants. She kisses him again and then leaves, but he looks pensive and, though we don’t get an eyeball scene to know for sure, we still suspect that he is back to his old bad habits and is thinking of Montse. Mansion Mendoza : Montse is looking at a photo of herself and her dear papá, as DIM enters. He asks her how dating her ex- marido Ale is going, but she says it would be better for DIM to tell her what’s going on with him and Josefina, noting that he slept at chez Mendoza last night and is still here today. DIM says he left Josefina. Montse tells him that it’s too bad he doesn’t understand Josefina’s worth, that he’s never going to find someone who loves him as much as she does. DIM tells Montse that what’s happening with Montse now, isn’t so different from what’s happening to him. What do you mean, Montse wants to know. He says that Montse is getting divorced from her husband because she was forced to marry him—what begins badly ends badly—but now she wants to start all over with Alejandro, yes? Yes, says Montse, but what does that have to do with you? DIM says that, like Montse, he was also forced to marry to preserve the lofty position of the family but there are differences: all the tricks he played on Josefina. What he doesn’t understand is why, after all that’s happened, Josefina doesn’t hate him. Montse says love forgive all and that Josefina can forgive him because she loves him. DIM says he doesn’t know if it’s love or something else. Montse wants to know why DIM left Josefina. DIM says it’s because he cant stand being around her or anyone, and that he’s not well— and much less after everything he did. Here Montse looks surprised at DIM’s tone of regret, and DIM comments that everything has changed for him. He asks Montse if he can confess something to her, and she is all ears. DIM says that if he is entitled to some of the money from the Almonte estate then he wants to do something with it to be useful to someone, something more worthwhile. Still DIM seems flustered and not entirely at ease with his more generous impulses, and admits he’s not sure exactly what he’s saying. Finally he tells Montse, “What I want is begin again, like you.” Big smile from Montse. Next Day, Hacienda Mendoza: Doorbell rings and DIM opens the door to find José-Luis! DIM is surprised, but not unpleased and J-L says he comes in peace, and they even shake hands and exchange some genuine pleasantries. J-L asks after Montse and DIM says she’s not there because she went out with Alejandro. J-L smiles, thinking DIM is fooling with him again, and asks DIM what he’s talking about since he knows that Montse and Ale just got divorced. And so you came running thinking it was for you? asks DIM. No, walking, says J-L with a smile. How’s YOUR WIFE? DIM wants to know. Gracie enters, demanding to know who’s at the door. DIM comments that he’s with his friend J-L and Gracie shocks the hell out of everyone by telling DIM to invite J-L to come in. Gracie slathers on the warm welcome, claiming that Lieutenant Álvarez is now the son-in-law of one of her best friends, and she ask J-L if he minds if she calls him J-L. She offers J-L something to drink, but he says no. She tells J-L that her daughter is out, but that she’ll be very pleased to tell Montse he came looking for her. She notes that he must have heard about the divorce and assumes that he heard from Amelia, and J-L looks suspicious at her comment but says just thanks again and leaves, noting also to DIM that he seems more mature. DIM turns on her when J-L is gone and wonders what Gracie is up with all the fake sweetness and light and lies— What hypocrisy! he claims. He knows Gracie told Amelia on purpose so that she (Amelia) would tell J-L. Gracie maintains that DIM has a lot to learn, and that Angélica has one foot in the grave and that when she dies, J-L is going to be the richest man in Agua Azul and that may be hell able to save them from ruin: after all, Alejandro paid off all the Mendoza debt to marry Montse. Ever one step ahead in greed, Gracie now wonders what J-L would pay to have her (Gracie) separate Montse from Ale. Gracie would have to negotiate but speculates it would be worth her while. Fed up with her, DIM walks off, telling Gracie, “You’re sick!” but Gracie refuses to be shamed in anything and just calls after DIM, “We’re just the same, you know! Don’t forget it!” Mansion of Josefina: Josefina has just given a somewhat reluctant Adolfo a check to start out on their plan to make DIM jealous. He says he really doesnt want it, but he needs it, so hell accept it. She tells him it’s only for half the amount, and she says that Adolfo will get the rest after he does his work. Adolfo wants to know when they’re going to being and she says this Saturday at little Lauro’s baptism. Adolfo asks with some hope if they’re going to go together like a couple? She says no way, that in the eyes of the world (aka those gossip- loving Agua Azuleros ) she’s still married, and that that won’t look good. Adolfo says he gets it that at the party, she wants him to seek her out, talk to her, etc. She says exactly, and she’ll laugh at his conversation and even pretend to be enjoying Adolfo’s company. Adolfo gets offended and wonders--Doesn’t she enjoy his company? Frankly, no, she says. All you do is talk about yourself and that’s not interesting. Adolfo seems hurt but agrees to do what she wants—however, he says if stupid DIM puts a hand on him again he won’t stand for it. Josefina says she wants nothing rough to happen at the baptism—if they resort to fighting they have to do it in a place where no one sees them, and what’s more Adolfo has to allow DIM to win--its important for a man. No way, Adolfo says, but Josefina insists he has to. That’s why she’s PAYING him. Casa de Angie and J-L . Angie opens the front door for J-L who immediately sees that Montse has come to pay them a visit. Montse tells J-L she can see he’s better, and Angie leaves them to get some coffee for them all. After she leaves, J-L wants to know how everything is going for Montse and says with some meaning that they need to talk since he just found out about her divorce. Aware of his overly eager tone, Montse immediately lets him know that she didn’t come alone and that Alejandro is there, too. J-L looks confused and wants to know why, but at just that moment, Alejandro himself enters, informing J-L that they came looking for him and asks where Angie is. Montse says Angie went for coffee and says she’s going to help her, leaving J- L and Alejandro alone. They give each other a manly stare-down. Back at Josefina’s , Adolfo is leaving the house with his check in hand. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t see DIM, who snatches the check from Adolfo’s hands and wants to know what it is. Alfie brags that what DIM couldn’t get in seven months of marriage he (Alfie) got in five minutes with a few kisses. DIM tells Alfie he’s not getting any money from Josefina and, what’s more, he better not come near her again. Alfie tells DIM he can’t tell him what to and besides, why is it important to him? DIM tells Alfie that no one is going to hurt Josefina again, and Alfie tells DIM that he’s wrong, that all Josefina wants is a little love and that she deserves it and what’s more that DIM wasn’t exactly satisfying her. DIM tears up the check, and they start fighting but Josefina appears, screaming at Adolfo to cool it. Frustrated, Adolfo refrains from walloping DIM but informs him that it doesn’t matter that DIM tore up the check since he (Alfie) will just come back for another one. Alone with DIM, Josefina informs him that he doesn’t live there anymore and that the next time he comes he should knock on the door-- also she wants the house keys that he has back. He wonders if its to give them to Adolfo, and she tells DIM that what she does isn’t his problem. He maintains that as long as they’re married she IS his problem, and he doesn’t like her giving money to Adolfo. She says it’s only a loan and that she’s only helping Alfie out since Pedro is pressing him for the money that Alfie owes him. DIM comments that she hasn’t learned anything even after what happened, but she counters him and says, oh yes, she has. DIM taught her all too well that no man would ever want to be with her for what she is and that if she wants companionship or even a little love, she’s going to have to give a check for it in exchange for it. She walks away, leaving DIM alone and with a sad and exasperated expression on his face. Back to Casa J-L and Angie , J-L says to Alejandro that he doesn’t understand what Alejandro is doing there. Ale explains that he and Montse have a proposal to make to Angie and J-L, that this is why they came and were waiting for J-L. “A proposal?” J-L asks, still confused. “Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought that you and Montse had just signed divorce papers.” “Yes,” Alejandro admits, unperturbed. “We’re legally divorced.” At this moment, Montse walks in and comments that both she and Alejandro are happy about the divorce. Angélica says that it’s all so romantic, and it looks like J-L is slowly starting to get that things between Ale and Montse are a lot better than he was hoping, when Montse suggests that they all sit down, awkwardly balancing their coffee cups, which rattle in their saucers. Ale tells J- L that some time ago, Angélica made an offer to Montse and that, after thinking it over, he and Montse have decided to accept it. Alejandro asks, or better yet Alejandro AND Montserrat ask, if J-L and Angie will be the godparents of little Lauro. “I love the idea!” chimes in angelic Angélica after Ales request. “I was so happy when I found out.” J-L says nothing, but doesnt seem as thrilled as Angie. Also, he has clearly already noted and is not liking the obvious affectionate coupledom of Alejandro and Montserrat and is looking upset before Alejandro continues with the rest of his and Montes good news: “What’s more, Montserrat and I are going to take advantage of the occasion to get married again.” A pensive-seeming look from beautiful Montserrat to end the episode. SEPARATED AT BIRTH? Avances : Jealous J-L punches some poor, innocent pillows, no doubt imaging they are Alejandros handsome face; Alejandro and Montserrat kiss a lot--Hooray!; J-L and María meet and seem to realize they have similar life goals.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:52:04 +0000

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