MORE DAMNING PROOF THAT THE American Academy of Pediatrics HAS - TopicsExpress


MORE DAMNING PROOF THAT THE American Academy of Pediatrics HAS BETRAYED OUR NATION - So my worst nightmare happened at the pediatricians office this morning during our new patient visit. I had been assured on the phone that all the doctors at the practice are familiar with intact care. However, I am always skeptical so when the doctor began to examine him she was talking to me and before she had even removed my sons diaper I told her, my son is intact, I do not believe in circumcision and I was assured that you know about intact care. At this point she had undone his diaper and she touched his penis and immediately began to try to retract. I screamed stop, before she could do any damage (or at least I hope I stopped her in time). My son wasnt crying, so I dont think she hurt him but she looked completely bewildered and asked me what was wrong. I told her that you should never forcibly retract a childs foreskin, and she said, oh I know you shouldnt force it back, but you have to push it back slightly to clean it. I told her than no, it was not necessary at all to do that, and that in future she was not to even tough my sons penis unless I gave her specific permission because I was concerned about something regarding his penis. Because I am English she then said So what age do people in Europe start retracting their boys foreskins? At which point I think I lost my mind and just said in a really pissed off voice NEVER. She said So how do they clean it? I explained that the foreskin will retract when its ready and you clean what you see. She seemed completely baffled by my strong reaction and needless to say I have already made some calls to try and find a more intact friendly doctor. I have found one, which is a bit further away than I wanted to travel, but its worth it for him to have his penis unmolested. Since this is a closed group I will tell you the name of the doctor is Dr Jennifer Sawka, of Palm Harbor, FL. I will be contacting Doctors Opposing Circumcision so that they can send her and the other doctors in that practice (North Pinellas Childrens Medical Center) literature so that they can hopefully learn how not to damage young boys! I think my blood pressure is through the roof right now!! ~Kelly Bergman ----- ***What Is the Greatest Danger for an Uncircumcised Boy? A doctor’s visit can harm your boy.*** Published on October 23, 2011 by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D. in Moral Landscapes psychologytoday/blog/moral-landscapes/201110/what-is-the-greatest-danger-uncircumcised-boy
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:53:46 +0000

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