MORNING DEVOTION 21/4/14 UNLIMITED RESTORATION OF NEW THINGS. TODAYS SCRIPTURE.Deut 28:12 God told Abraham to look from where he was to the north,east,west and south and stated that as far as he can see is the measure of his restoration (Genesis 13:14-16). God said, all the land which you see you will have and even your seed forever.God said He will make you as the dust of the earth.Your restoration of new things will be uncountable and innumerable.Wow! Praise God from whom new things flow.You are enlisted for restoration beyond numbers! The opening scripture says, there is a treasure in God called,good treasure that is open unto you and your loved ones and this treasury will pour out rain to your land.Wherever you are,restoration will come upon you. The word of God cannot be broken,it is settled in heaven.You will lend to many nations.Not one nation but many nations,not necessarily money but your product will be relevant all over the world.They will borrow your restoration ideas and multi-purpose wisdom.Your products will rule the international markets.By the restoration of God upon your life you are an international figure, the nations of the world will look for you.You will dine with presidents and international personalities,your name will ring a bell all over the earth. The word of God said you will not borrow,because you wont need it.By this supernatural restoration,all borrowing situations are over.Before your rent is due,you will pay.The spirit of debt is destroyed in your life today. You will live a debt free life.Welcome to your unlimited restoration in new things. Todays Confession. Father I believe your word cannot lie,I connect myself to unlimited restoration of new things beyond borrowing in Jesus name.Amen
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 07:28:22 +0000

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