MORNING DEVOTION 27/10/13AMAZING GRACE IS NOT OF WORKSTODAYS SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 2:8-9Grace is purely God’s gift,unmerited and undeserved.Our works whether good or bad,do not have anything to do with God’s grace.Salvation is by grace through faith and works have nothing to do with it.Romans 11:6 And if by grace,then is it no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace.But if it be of works,then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.Work always demands a wage but grace is always a free gift.If God gives us salvation and righteousness by grace,then it cannot be worked for;it is a free gift.Jesus gave a parable in Luke 18:9-14to illustrate the fact that salvation and a righteous position before God cannot be earned by any amount of good works.The Pharisee was obedient to the precepts of the Law and had good works to show for it.He fasted twice a week and paid his tithes.But salvation does not come by good works (neither is it maintained by good works)but only by faith in the grace of God.The Pharisee’s good works led him to boast about himself.Hence Paul says that salvation is not of works lest any man should boast.By contrast,the publican (a tax-collector) had no good works to boast about.He called upon the grace and mercy of God.Jesus said the man who approached God on the basis of God’s mercy went home justified.The word justified in Greek comes from the same root word as righteousness.It literally means made righteous.The sinner with no good works,who simply trusted in the grace of God,was made righteous in the sight of God rather than the religious man with many good works.As Christians who have received the grace of God and are born again,we must always recognize that our only righteousness before God is that which is bestowed upon us by His grace. Todays ResponseAsk the Lord to remove every trace of self righteousness in your life.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:45:49 +0000

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