MOTIVATION. As promised! I had a heavy Cobra Back workout today - TopicsExpress


MOTIVATION. As promised! I had a heavy Cobra Back workout today and promised to share my posing video clip to the dedicated fans. Ive been following my GET MASS Program as im competing soon. The main goal is to gain a few pounds of muscle and fill out before i start my diet. For serious GAINZ, I use GET MASS and incorporate heavy compound movements in my workouts. As you can see im not as lean, however Im starting to fill out nicely. GET MASS is making me look more dense while Im lean bulking. I actually get bigger when i compete. I will start my diet in a few weeks and keep everyone updated on my progress leading up to the Universe Title. For Ulisses MASS GAIN Program, download GET MASS at ulissesworld Dedication has no Limitation Musclemania World Musclemania India
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 00:48:08 +0000

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