MUSEVENI,RUGUNDA AND MBABAZI MAY BE PLAYING US FOR REAL When Museveni was minister of Defence (Binaisa regime) and Mbabazi Permanent Secretary for the same ministry, both men lived In Kololo. Museveni used to stay along Prince Charles Drive, just few metres from Mbabazis home at Gold Cruise. Their kids used to travel in one military Land Rover to and from school. Musevenis kids used to study from Nakasero Kindergarten while Mbabazis used to go to Buganda Road and Nakasero Primary Schools, Museveni-Mbabazi relationship blossomed in 1980 when Binaisa was kicked from power by Dr. Apollo Milton Obote. During that time, Museveni had travelled to Iraq on government business and that it was only Mbabazi who went to Musevenis home to comfort Janet and his kids.He would even enter the bedroom without a hitch and up to now, they are still tight. Our other sources have also opened the lid and revealed more about Mbabazi-Museveni closeness. They argue that between 1986 and 1996, Museveni used to consult three people; Eriya Kategaya, Amama Mbabazi and Kahinda Otafiire before announcing any changes in government.However, according to our sources, Mbabazis word would prevail over what others said. In fact, a story is told how Internal Affairs Minister, Ruhakana Rugunda would have been relieved of his cabinet roles and reassigned other duties long time ago had it not been Mbabazi who pleaded for him. There is a time when Museveni wanted to knife Rugunda but Mbabazi pleaded for him and he (Rugunda) was spared.Infant Mbabazi is Rugundas Angel Gabriel because he always delivers good news to him. SOURCE: NEWVISION- GOVT PAPER
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:55:39 +0000

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