MY BIRTHDAY PRAYER: Dear God, As always, I would like to thank you - TopicsExpress


MY BIRTHDAY PRAYER: Dear God, As always, I would like to thank you for waking me up this morning and giving me another chance to be faithful to you. Thank you God for giving me another year of life, I turn 32 today and I am abundantly happy for everything that you have brought in and out of my life. You have given me three decades of grace, love, mercy, discipline, and change. Thank you God for all the experiences this past year, every circumstance has provided me with growth and wisdom. I have learned to be grateful of the bad times, as you have provided me strength to weather the storm. Thank you for my successes and the ability to acknowledge that without you none of it would be possible. You have certainly given me more than I ever asked of you this past year. Thank you for blessing me with a beautiful little girl who doesn’t even know how much she’s help to bring great change to my life. Thank you for my supportive family and the few but true friends that I have maintained relationships with over the years. Today is not a celebration of me, but a celebration of another year of your love and blessings that you have already given me. Help me in the days ahead to grow closer to you as I know I can fall into temptation. Keep me strong and armored from the forces that try to defeat me. I pray that I can celebrate more years of life by growing in your word. I know I am not perfect, but you know my heart, and for me, that’s all that matters. Bless you God, I thank you and I love you. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 10:11:34 +0000

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