MY HEARING TODAY.... I am still in shock.....7 hours later and - TopicsExpress


MY HEARING TODAY.... I am still in shock.....7 hours later and still wanting someone to pinch me. It was crazy and went so fast would have made Your head spin. I want to share it with All of You. You All are the BEST FRIENDS EVER..... I met with my lawyer from the Cochran Firm out of Alabama..and she was nice. First time I ever met her face to face. We went in a room to go over things and she said that it would take 45- an hour to take place. That we would not have a decision till about 60-90 days from the Judge but at the end of the Appeal Hearing she could give me a possible yes or no answer just by the questions and his expressions during the hearing. I said ok...better than nothing. I asked her if they ever gave a decision during the hearing or afterwards she said she has never seen it happen in the 15 years she was a SS Attorney. We walked in. Judge swore us in. This is how the whole thing went and I am still in shock.......To the best of my memory..... ......Judge: Does anyone have a reason they can not be sworn in? ......Everyone: No Sir ......Judge: Swore everyone in.... ......Judge looked at the Rehibilation Officer for SS and said any questions? ......ROfficer: (read over my work history for past 15 years, asked if there was any other work?) ......Robin; No Maam .....Judge: (looked at me then my attorney and said) Ms Page, I agree with You that Ms Thomas has no other option and appreciate the deposition You submitted to me last month. It has helped with my decision. I agree and Thank You. .....Lawyer: Thank You Sir I appreciate it. .....Judge; Your Welcome., Good Luck Ms Thomas .....I was still sitting there waiting for the court hearing to begin and He looked at me and said. .....Judge; You dont know what just happened do You Ms Thomas? .....Lawyer: No Sir I dont think she does, I just got done informing her that it may take 45 minutes to over an hour for one of these hearings. Thank You for Your decision. (She started to pick up her laptop and collect her papers) ......I looked at her still dumb founded and wondered why she was leaving did I loose without a fight? Judge looked at me and smiled. .....Judge: Ms Thomas, I agree that a transplant is the only way you have to live. People need You. Good Luck. ......I looked at my lawyer and started to cry. ......Robin: I got it? ......Lawyer: Yes. ......Robin: Thank You Sir, Thank You .....Judge: Dont thank me Thank Your Lawyer she is the one that wrote the letter to me that I couldnt argue with it. Good Luck, May God be on Your side. .....Lawyer: Come on lets go and I will explain it all to You. .....We went out in hall and I asked her if I could hug her and she said yes...we hugged. I said has this ever happened this fast before for You....She said never in 15 yrs have I ever had a decision that fast...and only 1 time the same day. .....While we were talking in the alcove down in the lobby and she was explaining what was happening and the next steps, she told me the next step was to wait for the letter from the Judge could take up to 3-6 weeks.....Just then this little guy walks outside and smokes a cigerette and comes back in it was the little Cuban Judge. On he way back in he walked up to us and asked if she needed it expidited. she said yes. he said consider it done, and good luck with your transplant Ms Thomas. I said Thank You Sir. I was still teared up with disbelief. He was cuban his accent was so heavy I could barely understand it. I heard him in the courtroom and was thinking to myself I dont understand him that well his accent how was I gonna answer him if I didnt understand him. Now the waiting is still on but now it is ok....I know I have it. My lawyer said just in case something changes his mind which I really dont see it happening cause his mind was made up when he walked in the courtroom today. We will have a very good appeal....cause we were not given any chance to make our case. I asked if that happens often and she said yes but she didnt see it happening in my case. I hugged her again. We were both full of smiles. She even had tears in her eyes the last time I hugged her. I have to wait for the letter she said that will probley come in about 2 weeks and I will have to take it to the SS office and then to the Medicade office and in about 3-4 weeks after that get my medical. I hated doing it this way, I dont like to ask for anything. But I know the transplant and recovery and rehab is looking at about a half of million. There is no way I would ever have that. Even if I married a rich man. LOL. I will go on the transplant list after I get my medical and then the mental evaluation and therapy begins. I will have about 3 months of that to prepare me. They say this is one of the hardest transplants mentally a human could ever go through cause there are no liver machines to keep you alive if Your body rejects it. Like a heart or a kidney machine does. But in my book they are all hard and scarey. I have to have people with me at everyone of these meetings so they know I have people that back me. Maybe I can skype some of my friends and family there. Well it is a thought anyway.... I GOT IT. I GOT IT. Please someone pinch me.....again and again....I am still in tears when I think about it....I GOT IT. Now for the life to begin....and believe me I am going to be ready when one comes along. Too bad now they say it is hard to get a liver with my blood type. A-negative, it is the Second rarest blood type in the world.... Thank u for all the Prayers + Love. Now waiting for the letter. But going to a motel room tomorrow to rest and relax and give myself a few hours by myself.....after I take my Grandson to His Aunt Valerie and Uncle Allans house in Nashville tomorrow. THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE....I would have gave up a long time ago if it was not for You All & Family. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOOX LOVE YOU XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:46:15 +0000

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