MY LOVE IS FOR GOD, BUT HELP MY UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR FELLOW MAN?? THIS MAY BE ON YOUR HEART I desire to be holy, but can I be holy with no holy education ? I desire the company of others, but when they hurt me is it OK to compromise my faith and return the evil? Is it ok to resist evil with evil? Can I hate my neighbor and expect GOD to forgive me?, How can I have the love from the spirit of Christ own my own? FAITH? What is Faith? Hmmm.. The Bible Declares Its the substance hoped for So if I hoped for a family and children, shouldnt I put an effort in pre-parring for it? How much more should we put forth an effort in pre-parring for the eternal family, where all are related through Christ Jesus our LORD? LOVE Many are not able to say these words one to another, especially to those that they barely know. We feel that in some way that this form of communication is a sign of weakness, and we prepare always for the worst case scenarios rather then considering the GOD of Israel, who who is able to make our paths straight. Jesus said, anything you ask in my name, the Father will do it! He also said, IF you ask for a piece of bread, surely GOD will not give you a serpent. Yet I say this by permission that GOD will also seek to prepare you to receive your blessings as well, if you will receive them. Many do shut the door on their blessing because of failure in Reasoning righteousness. It is written, Make good judgements says the LORD LOVE CONFUSION But yet this LOVE has become an issue, and we ourselves have become dumb to it, making our own definitions, rather then understanding the source and example of it, in order to prosper in it. Love is connected to respect and necessary principles that causes blessings to occur in our daily lives. This love is rooted in Jesus the true vine, and out pours upon the branches so that our lives may reveal the characteristics our the Great King, Jehovah. This is the power that causes life to bloom. IF WE FREELY GIVE IT UNCONDITIONALLY, then as the book of Isaiah 58 speaks, Our light shall break forth as the morning! How can we with-hold this love form one another so that we may be called the children of the living GOD. UNDERSTANDING IN GIVING IS BETTER THEN TO RECEIVE Verily, Verily I say unto you my friend, you shall reap what you have sown. If you sow unconditional love, then you shall reap it, and if you sow selfishness, that is what you shall eat, even all the days of your life until you sow good seed so that you may live and not die a spiritual death. There are many who sow selfishness and think of others as selfish as themselves, therefore deceiving themselves in the vanity of their own minds when there is no real danger to avoid. Yet I would have you pray for them and endure with them, sowing seeds of love upon these poor wavering souls, until they may see the light of love, for some have never seen it, nor will they understand it until they sincerely walk with Jesus in His word. Therefore we must give, rather then wait to be given before we give. How can we eat if we sow no seed in the spring, and yet expect a harvest in the fall? SUPPORTING SCRIPTURES Therefore it is written in the book of Matthew 13:45-46 ...the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. THE TRUE BLESSING TO CONSIDER We have the gift of prayer (direct access to the Creator of the Cosmos) & the King James Proven Word Version Holy Bible, in the which millions were killed over, which shows us how to obtain eternal peace, love, joy, and prosperity. Not to mention a knowledge on how not to depend on ourselves, but when trouble comes, that we may depend on our GOD. By Communing with GOD every day in reading the word, singing hymns,and praying for others, we gain power to overcome many sins that we may have the right to walk in white for endless ages. With that being said, Here is our pearl of great price shall you exchange this for anything that shall be burned? Sell the world, and all of its affairs, including vain wisdom and knowledge that does not prosper you in the glory in which you are called. We have wisdom and knowledge from Heaven and GOD is powerful enough to send the Spirit of Truth to teach you. Consider the Love of all, and do not feel offended, but let you mind elevate even unto Heaven to work with Angels in saving men. EXAMPLE Consider your Fellows and Say I love you. I do agree that many of us are not use to communicating this, but rather consider the communication of li children and their humility. They do not work as we work, but we provide for them, yet they work! Even giving more then we give to the LORD, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! I love you mommy! I love you daddy! Amen! Love to GOD & Love to Fellow men, On these hang All the Law -Jesus Christ CONCLUSION If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? - Jesus the Messiah I love you all, and please keep me in your prayers. Heavens Messenger :)
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:49:21 +0000

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