MY SUBJECT : ITS REAPING SEASON Galatians: 6-7 ...Be not - TopicsExpress


MY SUBJECT : ITS REAPING SEASON Galatians: 6-7 ...Be not deceived GOD is not mocked , whatsoever a man soweth ,that he shall also reap ! Some has sown in good ground , others i what they though to be good ground .. yet they did not hear from GOD .. first if what we claim we are .. I am a child of the KING ! the fruit that my life yield should reflect such a claim ! you , me and no one else has the right to claim the KINGDOM and not bear the fruits thereof , for this is the word of the LORD .... their is a KINGDOM order .. when we do not see fruits of the KINGDOM of GOD .... then we must go back because some where we missed the mark this act is called ( repentance ) which is the first step ! So now many are reaping , from the ground that they sowed in , discord , malice , gossip, lies , deceit , lust , whoring , wickedness , and the sad thing is that they did not stop to hear the WORD , RECEIVE THE WORD , ACCEPT THE WORD , LIVE THE WORD , .... PROCLAIM THE WORD .... NOW THE SEASON OF REAPING IS HERE ! and your actions did not only affect you ! but your children , your childrens ,children , their childrens , children ...ect ...because it is generational ... this is one of the most overlooked ...biblical principles ye GOD PROMISE IS GENERATIONAL ! ( the seven fold promise GOD made with Abraham ...this covanent was made by GOD , GOD does not break covenant Man DOES THIS IS WHY IT IS MANS RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN HIMSELF TO GOD ...( REPENTANCE ) 1. “I will make of thee a great nation” — This was fulfilled through the nation of Israel, the name given to his grandson Jacob at the river Jabbok. Also the Church is a great nation (1 Pet. 2:9). 2. “I will bless thee” — Certainly Abraham during his lifetime experienced material benefits, being a very rich and powerful man. He was also the recipient of the Lord’s spiritual blessings. In many instances the Lord made special appearances unto him. 3. “I will make thy name great” — This was fulfilled in the sense that he has received an everlasting name (Ps. 45:17). 4. “Thou shalt be a blessing” — Because Abraham was a recipient of God’s blessings, he in turn was able to bless many others. Abraham’s nation produced all the apostles and prophets, and the Saviour of the world. His nation has given the world the oracles of God—the Scriptures. 5. “I will bless them that bless thee” — Everyone who blesses Israel is blessed. He will reward those around us according to how they have treated us. 6. “And curse him that curseth thee” — Anyone who curses Israel is cursed. Many times have I seen the Lord deal severely, even unto death, with those who have risen up against me. However, in my heart there has been no animosity towards them, and on certain occasions I was even ignorant of their evil intents. 7. “In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed” — Through the righteousness of Abraham, the friend of God, we inherit the spiritual blessings of Christ. Abraham has been a blessing to all nations for wherever Jews take up their dwelling place others are blessed through them. However, the fullness of this promise will be fulfilled in the Millennium, when the whole earth will be blessed through Israel. Shall we continue !
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:04:25 +0000

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