MY WISH LIST! I dont know if Im alone in feeling this, but it - TopicsExpress


MY WISH LIST! I dont know if Im alone in feeling this, but it seems like a Herculean task for gays to find true love. I have always felt this way. Thus, frustration and desperation gobble up my hopes in finding my ideal boyfriend. HAHA! I know true love has no eyes but until now, I satisfy myself with illusions, with daydreaming. All I can do for now is to look at someone I like and imagine that we are going to be together someday. But everytime I feel the gravity pulling me down, I know the idea, would be impossible. Every gay dreams that one day he will find a boy that does sweet things for him. Even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life. Having this said, I made a wish list on ways how a guy would make me feel special (just in case I would have a bf in the future. As the old adage goes, if you dont plan then you plan to fail. haha!!!)m, So here it is: 1. Watch sunset together - This is the time I beg God to stop time and let us seize the moment. I know this is just simple and probably most of you did this already for gazillion times but for me, I would give my right arm just to make this happen. hah! sounds desperate! sounds familiar! HAHA! 2. Find a nice secluded place to lie and watch the stars. - This has been my ideal romantic date since high school. HAHA!!! I never said this to anyone before but I sometimes indulge in a fantasy pretending I am Jamie (Mandy Moore) of a Walk to Remember when Landon (Shane West) is right behind her holding her hands watching the moon through a telescope. HAHA! 3. Hold hands together publicly. - DEMANDING RIGHT?! BUT WHO CARES! THIS IS MY WISH LIST SO IF YOU CANT STAND IT THEN I SUGGEST YOU TO STOP READING! HAHAHA! 4. Lightly kiss my collarbone and my jawbone just below the ear,then gently whisper to me I love you - This is much more demanding than number three. HAHA! But seriously, regardless of your gender, I know in your deepest part of hypothalamus right under your amygdala, you are also thinking the same. hahaha! 5. Make out in the rain - I dont need to elaborate this. This is self-explanatory. 6. Sing a love song and dedicate it to me through posting in Facebook and Youtube.- Just the thought of it makes me melt! LOL! And in case you happen to be my future bf and youre reading this, Just the way you are of Bruno Mars is perfect! HAHA! 7. Stands up for me when someone talks trash. Well, I am the type of person who has a blabbermouth! So the probability of me getting punch or criticized is as high as the Tokyo Sky Tree Tower so I need a prince charming who would defend me and stay by my side despite of my imperfections. haha! The list goes on forever. I could still enumerate more but I dont want you to get bored reading a very long post and I dont have the luxury of time either. So it ends here. hahaha! Which one is your favorite???? And to my future bf (in case you exist) : In the event that the star of romance would already be knocking on my door and entangling our hearts, at least you already know what to do! PAAAK! AMBIXOXA RA!?! HAHAHA!!!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 09:53:46 +0000

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