MY WORDS HERE ARE TOO DEEP FOR MANY TO EVEN WANT TO PERCIEVE LET ALONE ACCEPT! i know where my faith lies n i also know NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD PEOPLE! dont hate a whole group of people just because some of them are wrong. i see all this resentment n hostility n i just want to say that is part of the problem. i would go to my muslim neighbors house any day n make blueberry jam she is a sharing kind woman my daughter adores her grand daughter n they have been nothing but kind n real n accepting they have friends that are a variety of ethnicity n a variety of religion as do i. they do not push their religion on me or reject me for my beliefs. they are more open n less bias n judgemental than many christians i have met. they are judged looked at with suspition n ridiculed regularly. i dont hate people because they follow a different set of guidelines i think its sad n sometimes i get upset about how iggnorant society lets society be. ok how about this! ne afraid of terrorists if you want to but dont blame an entire race or religion! in reality a VERY SMALL fraction of terrorists are Muslim. this is a true fact look it up! society n news propoganda blow it up when its muslim or East Indian n create fear n paranoia where there wasnt any before. i know muslim people who are very kind and sharing people there are lots n lots n they are looked at strangely in Costco n given the suspicious eye n judged just by what they wear. it is not fair to judge all muslims because there are some muslim terrorist groups. i am not afraid to smile at them in public or hold the door for them just as i would any other person. they too are of the human race. stop being racist or religionist or whatever u wanna call it. people everywhere are people some good some bad. how bout this if u compare the bible to the koran and every other religions book you will be shocked the similarities in every one of them! including the theories of the believe in nothingers even share virtually exact quotes the God or nonGod whatever u wanna call it they serve is described almost exactly the same as whom Christians call God... maybe yr being ignorant n its the same friggin God hmmm in a different language ... how bout THIS those who think yr made from the dust of a star vs those who think yr made from the dust of the earth and Gods hands lets go God on u here if God made the earth n stars n planets all from himself n humans from the dust of the earth than in a sense YOU BOTH CLD BE RIGHT! stop fighting about it yr fighting for no reason u r feeding into the Devils work (or badguy of yr choice of belief decription) to the star people its people to the christians its the devil n so on to psychologists its yr own brain... maybe we are busy making human segregations out of things that are NOT actual conflicts but rather are so similar we are scared to admit it maybe the same thing! n man created these fears n bias n God however u say it in yr religion or non religion view is really a part of of everything n everyone n we are battling ourselves for NO REASON! maybe SOME Christians are just as a maticulate about following their code as Muslims n dare i say MAYBE ITS THE SAME GOD YOU ALL ARE FIGHTING OVER even the athiests n the mother earthies n the i believe in my selfies... maybe you are ALL RIGHT because if God really is in us all than God IS ALL OF THAT! n no im not confused about religion! im sick of the segregation. id go make blueberry jam with my muslim neighbor any day id eat an omlet with my agnostic neighbor id give thanks to my homeless neighbor id sing praises with my Christian neighbor id embrace every child of this earth with equal acceptance UNTIL u treat me yourself or other people badly then you have created that barrier n i dont need u impacting my life with your hate. so if you really disect it you think yr from a star which is a part of God which has almost the same description as Alla Jah N even Mother Earth n the hundreds of other translations for the name God. maybe you are ALL RIGHT so stop actin like fools with all yr hate n warrin n blamin n paranoia n rejection. some of every religion and every ethnicity is bad.... dont become one of them! some of each is also good n that is a fact!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 07:48:46 +0000

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