MYSTERY STILL SURROUNDING SATAS WHEREABOUTS, ATTORNEY GENERAL, JUDGES WAITING TO BE SWORN IN Mystery still surrounds president Michael Satas whereabouts and whether he really arrived into the country or it was ‘some cargo’ that was brought in the country last Friday. The Post newspaper this week on Sunday reported that Sata arrived aboard the Presidential Challenger on Friday at 22:00 hours. But people at the airport, including Chilufya Tayali insisted Sata never arrived on Friday as claimed by his friends at The Post newspaper. To worsen the speculation, the following day on Saturday, Wynter Kabimba was still Acting president at the Kazanga ceremony of the Nkoya people in Western province, despite claims by the Post that the president arrived the previous day on Friday. On Monday, Information Minister Joseph Katema added more confusion to the already confused situation when he dismissed Post newspaper reports that Sata arrived on Friday, but claimed Sata actually arrived on Saturday using the same Presidential Challenger plane. According to Katema, Justice Minister Kabimba was still acting president at the Kazanga ceremony because Sata had not yet arrived. It is now confusing how even his friends at the Post newspaper could have missed the actual date and time of arrival of their buddy or there is a huge cover-up being made since Kabimba was mistakenly addressed as acting President at a time Sata was in the country. And the Watchdog understands that there is a huge security cordon around Nkwazi House, the residence for the president inside State House, which is very unnatural since State House already has enough security around it. Highly placed sources say once the president enters State House, there is really no need for extra and enhanced security around him, especially at his personal residence, Nkwazi House, where he freely mingles with other people and family members unhindered once they have been cleared by State House security outside. Sources say for now it is not even clear whether Sata arrived at all, and even the authenticity of the birthday photo purported to have been taken by his son Mulenga Sata is still a huge source of controversy. Pamodzi hotel, which traditionally present the sitting President with a birthday cake on his birthday, were told not to present the cake saying he opted to have a private birthday party with family. To date no one has really had chance to meet him, it is highly probable that even Kabimba has not seen him and has just relinquished powers temporarily in the same way he assumed it. Probability is that if at all he came into the country, it may have been on Sunday but there has been no sign of the Presidential Challenger plane Just ask any Zambian as to who has so far seen the president in person at State House. People, even some close family members, are not being allowed near Nkwazi House, sources said. His press aid George Chellah has also not been seen in public since Sata was evacuated to Israel for medication, a trip government still insist was for working holiday and investment promotion that would have included a meeting with out-going Israel President Shimon Peres. To date, there has never been any evidence of Sata ever meeting anyone in Israel, including Shimon Peres, as would have been the case with any normal leader using government taxpayers money. At least even his son Mulenga was able to disguise his trip to see his father in Israel after he passed through South Korea and even posed for photos with some of that countrys nationals. But accurate information about Satas whereabouts and his state of condition was further sealed when ceremonial vice-president Guy Scott declared in parliament that anyone who wants to know something about Sata should not bother him anymore, but should ask State House. Scott knows how difficult it is to fishy out information from State House especially that Satas spokesperson Chellah has been missing, and even the face book page that has been running the country has remained mute since 6th June. Anyway for now, Sata will be expected to perform presidential duties of swearing-in Attorney General Musa Mwenya, Supreme Court Judge Mumba Malila, and Solicitor General Abraham Mwansa. These office bearers have recently been ratified by parliament and by law, they cant take office until they are sworn-in by the president. If they have so far occupied their offices, whatever they are doing now or signing is very illegal until they take presidential oath of office. But the country cannot function without these key offices, especially where it involves government contracts that needs legal opinions from Attorney General and Solicitor General, hence the urgency need for Sata to swear them in their offices. For now the Zambian Watchdog is intensively investigating what really could have happened on 29th June 2014 around 02:00 hours that could have serious consequences on the direction of the country, depending on the outcome of the investigations.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:05:25 +0000

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