Malaysia missing flight MH370 - Malaysia rejects criticism of lack - TopicsExpress


Malaysia missing flight MH370 - Malaysia rejects criticism of lack of cooperation in plane search 10:57: Relatives of the missing Chinese passengers are threatening to go on a hunger strike if the Malaysian authorities do not provide them with more accurate information on the search efforts. This woman is holding a sign saying: Hunger strike protest, Respect life, Return my relative, Dont want become victim of politics, Tell the truth. 10:34: Malaysia says the plane was intentionally diverted and could have flown on either a northern or southern arc from its last known position in the Malacca Straits. But how easy is it to change a flight path? The BBCs Rupert Wingfield-Hayes found out how by going inside a cockpit simulator. 10:19: Checks into the background of all the Chinese nationals on board the missing Malaysian jetliner have uncovered no links to terrorism, the Chinese ambassador in Kuala Lumpur said on Tuesday. 10:06: The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has raised the disturbing question of how a modern aircraft packed with communications equipment can apparently vanish without trace. 09:48: China has previously accused Malaysian authorities of releasing confusing information about the aircrafts last sighting. There has been growing anger and frustration among relatives of missing passengers about the lack of knowledge regarding flight MH370s fate A member of a passenger onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 shouts at Malaysian Airlines officials during the companys briefing to the family members at a hotel in Beijing March 18, 2014. Intensive background checks of everyone aboard a missing Malaysian jetliner have so far failed to find anyone with a known political or criminal motive to crash or hijack the plane, Western security sources and Chinese authorities said.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:06:56 +0000

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