Man Secrets Revealed! There’s all this talk about men being - TopicsExpress


Man Secrets Revealed! There’s all this talk about men being blank canvases with little on our mind aside from who’s playing in tonight’s game and the color of your underwear. But here’s a shocker: we DO have feelings. Of course saying these things outright would defy our manly ethos, so we’ve made it easy on you. Read on to find out! Bashful man 1 He thinks about Making love all the time What’s your biggest pet peeve about men? Sports on the mind 24/7 Obsession with making love Poor listening skills Lack of fashion sense Leaving the toilet seat up Yes, it’s true. The average male under 60 years old thinks about Making Love at least once a day, and men fantasize more often than women. Even when you’re having a bad day or feel fat, most guys don’t care and are perfectly willing to get down and dirty. 2 He needs his space Dudes need their alone time. Whether or not he has a man cave to call his own, guys want space. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be with you — see #1 — he just needs to relax and recharge. Unlike women, men don’t need to leave the house to go somewhere or splurge on a spa day. He’s probably happy laying on the couch with his hand in his pants like Al Bundy. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. 3 He doesn’t like being set up Asking your guy, “Does this dress make me look fat?” is setting him – and you up for no good. The same goes for questions like, “Can I ask you XYZ without you getting mad?” or statements like “Don’t take this the wrong way but…” 4 He means what he says Sorry ladies, but it’s true – you think there’s an ulterior motive or a hidden meaning, and that if you just ask us six more times, you’ll get it out of us. Hate to break it to you, but guys just aren’t that deep. When he says “Okay” he really means just that and only that. 5 Guys may not be deep, but they’re also not dumb Women have complained for years about unrealistic portrayals on TV. Well, the same applies to guys. Men know how to get a stain out of a shirt, take care of the kids without causing a disaster and how to cook — gourmet meals, not frozen dinners. Guys like to be appreciated for the things they do. So, show your guy some love when he goes the extra mile!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:23:46 +0000

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