Man has to become discontent with himself; only then does he move - TopicsExpress


Man has to become discontent with himself; only then does he move toward godliness. He who becomes content with himself destroys himself. I teach discontent. I teach you to be discontented with just being a person. Human life is just a temporary stopover on the whole journey of life, not the final destination. And those who take it to be the final destination waste a priceless opportunity to rise beyond man. We are a midpoint in a long process of evolution. Our past was part of the journey and so is our future. Evolution does not end with us, it will transcend us also. This would be easy to understand if we really saw ourselves, because the proof is that we are incomplete and unfulfilled in every way. We have not reached the point where nature should stop. Evolution – if there is indeed evolution – cannot rest before achieving godliness. There can be no meaningful end to evolution, nor any purpose or significance, without experiencing the totality of godliness. Man is the path to reach godliness. And those who forgo the destination and are satisfied with just the path are indeed unfortunate! We have left the animal behind, and we have to move forward to reach godliness. We are just a bridge between the animal and godliness. That is why I lay so much emphasis on transcending man. We have to leave man behind, just as a snake sheds its skin and moves on. To transcend the state of man is the right use of your life. Other than that, everything else is a misuse. A path is not for stopping on. Its significance lies in going beyond it. Don’t just stop at how you find yourself now. This is not the end of the path, but only its beginning. Understand that you have not reached the end of the path until you have become whole. OSHO
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:40:00 +0000

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