Manifesto This is a call to all Freedom Loving Americans to be - TopicsExpress


Manifesto This is a call to all Freedom Loving Americans to be informed and aware of what is taking place in our country that threatens our Freedom, our livelihood, and the futures of our children. The American People are watching as Political Power increases, as Representation of the People diminishes, and as our Nation is divided by political and commercial interests that benefit from that division. The authors of the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence understood that when power is centralized power is corrupted. And they devised a system of Government that intended to assure that power would never be centralized and that it would remain in the hands of the People through a Republic of States, each one autonomous save being guided by the authority of the Constitution. They understood that ‘One Size Fits All’ is not a good model for Freedom. They assigned certain powers to the Federal Government, summarized, to handle Foreign Affairs, to protect our Sovereignty, and to regulate Interstate Commerce. Throughout our history our leaders have gradually expanded those powers and areas of influence until we almost no longer think of ourselves as a Republic of States. The US Congress passes laws on a daily basis that affect all of the States and the lives of their citizens without regard to States Rights and the model of Government intended by the Founders. This goes without thought or consideration from the majority of Americans as to its legitimacy and the serious significance it has to Liberty. It is seen as the status quos and is assumed by most Americans as being the intended model of Government. But the result of this centralized model of Government with its unchecked ability to garner power and to spend the resources allocated to it by taxpayers has resulted in a Political / Industrial Complex that no longer provides and real Representation of the People. As the Federal Government expanded its reach and influence it has increased its funding through taxation and regulatory tariffs thus producing a huge budget and ability through that budget to influence the economy, picking winners and losers, decided by whichever Political Party is in power at the moment. Likewise, Federal regulations shape the economy, thwarting any enterprise that is not deemed ‘worthy’ by those in power regardless of the desire of the citizens of the States and their interests in their communities. The ‘One Size Fits All’ regulations coming from the Federal agencies do not permit citizens to decide for themselves in their own States what is best for them. US Senators and Federal Congressional Representatives vote on Bills that are crafted to have the broadest influence and are relegated by the process to adding Amendments that seek to provide resources to their communities, but in this model of Centralization the specific needs of the Americans living in many communities are ignored despite their tax dollars going to fund the chosen endeavors by Congress. And favors are exchanged in order to gain votes and lobbyists provide pressure to affect their special interests to the point that real representation for Americans is so corrupted as to be meaningless. The American People are no longer dealing with a Federal Government that represents their interests. The entire system is corrupted and a perversion of the intent of the Founders becoming a centralized power base through with the will of Business and Special Interests are actualized at the expense of the American People. And the desire to maintain power and control over the assets of the People to be used as reward money for those who put them in power has caused our Leaders to become experts at deception, to manipulate the agencies of the Government to affect Political Will, and to increasingly impose Tyranny on the citizens of the United States. All three branches of the Federal Government are corrupted toward the end of enslaving the American People. But we retain the Right to the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly and the Right to Demand Redress of Grievances. But to have any effective voice we must Unite. WE, The People, can change our Government and are still able to affect our Political Will. But we must Unite! The purpose of this group is to provide a catalyst to Unite the America People.. People of all Parties and Independents, to accomplish the giant task of changing the direction of our Government. Because we have watched as President after President has promised change and made speeches to ensure us that they will be different than their predecessors only to see that they were either disingenuous or naïve and to see them continue to support the status quos. They are all corrupted by the System and we can’t expect anything else given the nature of what it takes to acquire power, the election process and the money and power interests that influence it. But the larger point of focus must not be the leaders who are corrupted but rather the System that corrupts. And in order for the People to be United they must have a vision… a common vision around which they can universally agree. Without this Vision there is no hope to unite. Therefore I am presenting here a ‘manifesto’… a vision, as I see it, in the hopes that through some process of refinement we can arrive at a common Vision around which a large segment of the American People of all Political Parties and philosophies can unite in the effort to begin giving the People a voice and a focus and a direction to affect real change in our Government thus saving ourselves from the Tyranny that will inevitably be imposed if we don’t change our direction and break the Federal hegemony that threatens the Republic and our Freedom. This is not an attempt to bring any particular political interest to superiority. This is not an effort to affect any Party’s political will. This is an effort to give the American People a voice, to attack those forces that threaten the Republic, and to bring scrutiny and the Will of the People to the frontlines and re-establish a Constitutional Government that will preserve our Freedom. Declarations 1. We declare that we, the American People, are the power of Government and only our Will, by majority rule, can dictate the direction and actions of the Federal Government. No agencies of the Federal Institution can overrule our Will and our Authority and we reject any efforts by any agency to supersede us. 2. We declare that the Federal Budget must be balanced and that the National Debt be paid off. 3. We demand legitimacy in the Press. It is the responsibility of the Press to defend the Constitution by reporting the truth without political bias. And the Press can not act as an arm of any political Party or agency to affect the will of that Party or agency. We understand that the Press must be Free.. but the Press must also tell the Truth… the facts and only the facts, without omission or contrivance. 4. We demand legitimacy in Congress. We demand therefore, reform in the Election process to ensure that every vote is legitimate, that our elected Representatives do not act in the interests of any group or individual but for the WHOLE of the American People. Therefore we demand campaign finance reform to ensure that no elected representative is coercible to misrepresent his or her constituencies. Elected Representatives are elected to Serve the People… not to gain access to priority, or prosper, or receive special benefits. Whatever laws are passed by Congress will be obeyed by Congress. No Bill shall ever be voted on without the Representative having full knowledge of the content of the Bill and if it is shown that they do not it is a failure of office for which they will be removed from office. Congressional salaries will be voted on by referendum and the People will decide what their elected representatives are paid. 5. We demand Justice. We demand that any elected official who breaks the law or is guilty of manipulating the office of power to thwart the legitimate efforts of Congress or the Good or the Will of the People be removed from office and never again be permitted to run for public office. The oath to uphold the Constitution is a solemn oath and those that betray that oath are not fit to serve in public office. 6. We demand reform in the Federal Government and that it return to a strict Constitutional model. The powers of the Federal Government are limited to Foreign Affairs, Protecting the Borders, which includes waging wars authorized by Congress and only Congress. No President shall engage the American People in War by their own disgression. The Federal Government will also oversee Interstate Commerce according to the spirit of the Constitution to limit it and never permit it to dictate the details of The People’s lives. Therefore, all of the Agencies and Departments of the Federal Government will return their managerial authority to the States. The States will determine the way to handle their own affairs regarding Education, the Environment, and the distribution of resources through Social Services. The IRS, as it currently exists will be abolished and a Flat or Fair tax will be levied, defined by Congress, solely for the purpose of funding the remaining limited responsibilities of the Federal Government and to pay off the National Debt. When the National Debt is paid off the levy will be reduce commensurately. 7. We demand the right to Privacy. We demand an open review of all surveillance that is currently taking place on the American People and we demand an end to all that doesn’t respect the spirit of Privacy as defined by the Founders in the Constitution. NO ILLEGAL SEARCH means exactly that. 8. We demand immediate financial reform in all the Departments and Agencies and an end to the status quot operational method wherein budgets are justified by false means so as to ensure future funding. The Government operates for The People and not for itself. When operations are no longer required they must cease and the savings returned to The People. 9. This Document represents a REVOLT of the American People and a demand for Redress of Grievances. And we demand a response from the President, Congress and the Supreme Court, and a commitment to REFORM by all 3 Branches of Power. The PEOPLE are the ultimate Power and we reserve the Right to demand by referendum to change any aspect of all 3 Branches including the impeachment of elected officials and their removal from service and the removal of Justices of the Supreme Court if they fail to act without prejudice or preference in the fulfillment of their duties. NO ONE is beyond the reach or the collective will of the People and our demand is for Truth, Justice and the American Way.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 19:52:23 +0000

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