Mankind is one, and all men are alike in that which concerns - TopicsExpress


Mankind is one, and all men are alike in that which concerns their creation. Bartolome de las Casas Most people live on an egocentric basis. Their world revolves around themselves, the pursuit of their own happiness and the gratification of their desires. You have made a big step forward by leaving your self-created, protective enclosure. You are becoming conscious that you are part of mankind. Being part of an enormous group of intelligent beings is a privilege. The ego tends to think that everything it does and everything it is results from its own actions. It takes pride in its accomplishments and successes. When the ego encounters failures it blames the outside world. It does not understand that a part of its life is determined by causes outside its limited range of view. It is important to understand this. The ego might see itself as separate from all other beings, in reality it is not. You are part of humanity on this planet, and as such you are linked with all other humans on both a physical and on a subtle level. Read the books of Carl Gustav Jung on the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is the reservoir of all the experiences mankind has ever had. It is present in each one of us. It not only gives you the animal instincts and desires necessary for the survival of the species, but also everything that makes us intelligent beings. It is great reservoir of potentials waiting to be used by those who dare to enter its realm. Contact with the collective unconscious is made through dreams; by states of consciousness between waking and sleeping, intuition, trances, and meditation. But beware, not everything you will encounter will be the smell of roses. You need to be prepared to encounter the demons of the underworld. Many people are afraid to face the inner demons of mankind. It is essential to understand that everything you encounter is a reflection of your own being. The good the bad and the ugly. Basically what is encountered is only energy forms. Some of them are pleasant, so we call them good. Some of them are unpleasant and we label them as being bad or evil. When you make the unconscious conscious, you must take the energies for what they are. Nothing in the universe is good or bad; these terms apply only to our experiences. It is not uncommon to encounter demons or the devil in meditations, or by other means of entering the collective unconscious. You have to look through the veil, through the masks, through the forms, and recognize the energy behind it along with asking why it is presenting itself to you. Most often you will encounter forms that represent repressed energies in yourself. Those are not unique to you yourself however, everybody else has them as well. Because we all share the same frustrations, the same fears and so on, we are easily influenced by the emotions and energies of other people, without even being aware of it. Being human means that you participate in everything other people experience. You not only connect with other people and their experiences on a subtle or energetic level, but you are constantly being influenced by these energies. Carl Gustav Jung recognized that man is strongly influenced by the archetypes in the collective unconscious. He understood archetypes as being those experiences of mankind that had been repeated over and over again since the birth of humanity.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 22:14:06 +0000

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