Mans actual wealth, if anyone can concede that this deviant simian - TopicsExpress


Mans actual wealth, if anyone can concede that this deviant simian has been truly granted a grace by whoever created him and his species--Evolution Engineer, Master craftsman or whatever else you may call him by--is at bottom a lease of time--a span of time on this planet when he can use his free will to make his presence truly felt and ensure that he leaves his footprints on the sands of Time once he returns to dust. And Time is always in a flux!The person that goes to bed on Monday night is not the same man that awakens at dawn on Tuesday morning because he has ever so subtly changed and become older and more aged be it ever so microscopically and at the cell-level!As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus put it metaphorically, the man that dips int he river water is not the same man that comes out of the river. This relentless unidirectional passage of Time has been frozen in lovely phrasal format by TS Eliot in East Coker in The Four Quartets anthology, where he speaks in a detached tone about the British village by that name from where his ancestors had migrated to the brave new world across the Atlantic. Chants he in a studied tone,In my beginning is my end.In succession/Houses rise and fall, crumble,are extended/Are removed,destroyed,restored,or in their place/Is an open field,or a factory,or a bye pass./Old stone to new building,old timber to new fires,/Old fires to ashes,and ashes to the Earth/Which is already flesh fur and feces/Bone of man and beast ,cornstalk and leaf I told you about the necessity of being profoundly aware of this flux every single day you are alive because its the only trick under high Heaven to arrive at a state of physical and emotional fulfillment of your lifetime on Earth. The moment you begin to get hoaxed by the Hindu notion that your soul is deathless and that you can get born again to go through similar experiences,your primary motivation to sweat it out in daily living will evaporate.In your own best interests its far better to go by the belief that you have no soul that declines to die with your body!Your days are numbered and unfortunately that is the only lease of time you can hope to be conceded in human history too.Feeling a chill or shiver going down your spine,eh?OK, thats the way to become energized enough to go out and DO something for a change! This is,for your information and edification, dear my Hindu brothers and sisters, the unspoken secret behind the business success of both the major non Hindu communities--Christians and the Muslims! At the moment you are running a risk you are not aware of, so I thought you must be made aware of it anyway so that you can take only an informed risk hereafter.That way you cant point an accusatory finger at Fate or Destiny any longer!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 11:08:43 +0000

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