Many Happy Returns - Reincarnation, Life After Life. Many Happy - TopicsExpress


Many Happy Returns - Reincarnation, Life After Life. Many Happy Returns! When I was a child, I heard this saying as a gesture of congratulations when wishing someone a happy birthday, never knowing what it was referring to until I read Shirley MacLaines book, Out on A Limb. She speaks of it there in reference to being about coming back from lifetime to lifetime. It made perfect sense to me. Since 1988 when I had a life changing experience, reincarnation and past lives have shone through to me as the most obvious and natural progression for us to make as spiritual beings. Reincarnation was removed from our consciousness, it gave too much power to us to take control of our own spiritual destiny. I recently read, among other many interesting books, Life Before Life - A Scientific Investigation of Childrens Memories of Previous Live by Dr Jim B. Tucker. It is as the title says a scientific investigation and it is based on the works of Professor Ian Stevenson who worked through the University of Virginia. Their work was undertaken in a thoroughly scientific way, researching the recollections of children who spoke of another life previous to the one they are in now. The children spoke about who they were, where they had lived, how they had died, their family members etc. So many of the childrens’ stories were scientifically investigated and shown to be true on many levels. They also investigated birth marks and birth defects of some of the children and discovered in so many cases that they represented fatal injuries relating to how they died in their previous life. One little boy who said he was his grandfather in his previous life, was born with a serious heart defect requiring surgery at birth and his grandfather who was a policeman died from gunshots to his chest only a few years before and was fatally shot in the heart. The childs heart defect was in the exact same place as the fatal injury that took his grandfathers life. Hypnotherapist, Dr Brian Weiss has penned a number of inspiring books about past life regressions which took place with his patients. The healing and understanding that these people received changed their lives in a most positive way. Books by Brian Weiss include Many Lives, Many Masters, Same Soul, Many Bodies, Mirrors of Time, Through Time into Healing. Through the telling of these stories we can hopefully begin the path to including Reincarnation as an integral part of our own lives. I had a personal experience of my daughter coming to me before I was pregnant with her wanting to come and live in my house she said. She told me I will be ever so good. I was only thinking about having another child and she stayed with me until I was pregnant and then she left me until she was born. She is most definitely the child I saw and spoke with. There is no doubt about that. I have placed below a YouTube video that may be of interest to you. It is a 1983 documentary made by Australian hypnotherapist Peter Ramster. He regresses four women to past lives and then physically takes them to the present day places that they speak of in their regressions. The results are outstanding. This documentary was banned for some strange reason. Perhaps it was too much info for those who still want control over our spirituality. You decide for yourselves. As my spirit guide has said to me many times - Remember Who You Are. May you go well in this life and the next Olwynne Cade https://youtube/watch?v=HayY1yyXnn0
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:57:48 +0000

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