Many are sensing the changing of the times/seasons, the - TopicsExpress


Many are sensing the changing of the times/seasons, the transition, the spiritual shift that is upon us. I see the evidence of this in my own life. While pondering this recently, the Lord gave me a vision of the wind blowing strongly over my body. It would bend with the wind, but it did not break. Then, just like when you see a snake’s skin, I began to see this layer of my body begin to peel away from me. I watched the wind peel it off and take it away. I asked the Lord what this vision was about and He said, “That was your old man Julie. You have endured the process and you have been reborn. You have withstood the fire of My Presence. You have endured the process of surrendering every part of you to Me. You are open and flexible to what encountering Me was really meant to look like. You are shedding your old man, and stepping into the new one. You are crossing over into your destiny”. Many in the body of Christ are at the threshold of great change, of destiny, identity, purpose, and power! The words of Jesus began to rise up in me, “….No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment. If he does, he will tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old. And no one puts new wine into old wine skins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new wine must be put into fresh wine skins. And no one after drinking old wine desires new, for he says, “the old is good” (Luke 5:36-39 ESV). Jesus was showing me that I have been made new. The old man is gone and He is preparing me to be a vessel filled with new wine. Thank you Jesus! On the flip side, the “no one” is referring to the Pharisees whom Jesus said favor the past (their traditions, way of doing things, refusal to change) with no desire for the new wine (all that His Kingdom is and has to offer). The Pharisees rejected the arrival of the kingdom and sadly, this still holds true today. The difference between new wine an old wine is that new wine is alive and fermenting. Old wine is settled and aging. So new wine is full of life and is actually doing something (fermenting). Old wine has settled in and it’s aging. Can you hear it? Further, did you know that you can’t mix old and new wine or it will ruin, and probably ruin the vessel it is in as well? Religion often tries to mix old and new wine, but to no avail. In the kingdom of God, the old and new wine will never be mixed. They will remain separated. Think on that. I saw a quote the other day by Leonard Ravenhill (IHOPKC) that said, “You can have all of your doctrines right-yet still not have the Presence of God”. I don’t think anything could be more true in this day and hour. There is nothing like living the life of Christ with a heart revelation; from a deep abiding place in Him; a relationship! We (the church) were created for so much more than what we are at this moment. God is not dead, He really isn’t! So why have so many become accustomed to living as if He is? This is religion. It’s doctrine without Presence. It’s effort with no rest. It’s schedule verses soaking. It’s many things! It’s old and new wine and it will never mix! We have settled for less than what Father has for us. This message is not about condemnation, but rather to awaken and stir you to your first love. He’s calling out to you. He’s tugging on your heart strings. Renew yourself in Christ today. Submit to His Word, His ways, and His plans for your life. This must be an absolute yes. There can be no mixture. Let God transform your heart and mind to receive His kingdom in full measure in your life. Allow Him to take hurts, wounds, religious thought processes, everything that is keeping you from walking in the fullness of His Kingdom. Many of you have probably said to yourself at some point, “There has to be more than this?” Something is definitely wrong, and God is not the problem. You would have to agree! It’s time to arise, to awaken. Stop going through the motions and step out into all that God has for you! Be the change. Be the few warm coals that start a fire. You and I were born for such a time as this. God wants you. He needs you. We all have our unique purpose on this earth. Let the Gospel finish the work it started in you when you first received Christ! The Lord is exposing all manner of religion and tradition within us as He did with the Pharisees then. He’s removing hurts, traumas, religion, anything that keeps us from being fully formed in Him. His Spirit is about to be poured out like never before; carried by a people who have allowed Holy Spirit to transform their lives! They have been made new; prepared to carry the new wine. Permit the Holy Spirit to challenge your thought processes; your will. He must defragment and reprogram your mind with the purity of His Presence and His Word. The Pharisees were the “old bottles” who were very zealous in their love of tradition and nothing more. As a result, they could not carry His Gospel. They were lifeless; lacking power. The Pharisees had never been regenerated, made alive in Christ, truly born again. Their minds and spirits were not renewed and the “old” (old ways of thinking, doing things, being, behaving, believing) was prevalent and evident in their lives. They were basically teachers of religious law, self-righteous, and dead! Nothing more. How sad! Right now His wind is blowing with the purpose of causing everything your “old man” is made up of, to be peeled off and blown away by His Presence. It won’t be long though. He’s getting ready to pour out His Spirit (His wine) like never before!! - Julie Price
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:04:33 +0000

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