Many of us can see what the problems are; others are beginning to - TopicsExpress


Many of us can see what the problems are; others are beginning to discover them; and those who dont quite see it, have an general idea in where the problem begins. Fighting each other over whatever label you have placed on yourself or on others, solves nothing. Most of us can agree on several objective problems. Where we get lost is in the subjective details that are often irrelevant, based upon opinion, speculation, and arbitrary circular arguments that offer no evidence. The real underlying questions on everyones mind is: What do we do? What can we do? Well there is only three things you can really do, constitutionally: 1) Vote for new representatives, which is very difficult since money plays a big role in influencing who is elected. 2) Nullification of Federal Law through your state legislatures, which stops the law in your state, but doesnt address the root of the problem; and 3) Article V conventions, which is arguably the best thing we can do to fix this mess peacefully. You see, the Supreme Land of the Land gives us the ability to change many of the things that we can all agree with. Things like removing money influence from politics; term limits; re-think the way we select the supreme court; clean up our election process; remove the politicians ability to give themselves raises, retirement, and severance pay; make all our representatives abide by the same rules as the people; stop the government from scooping up all of our personal information; and last but most importantly - stop the banking elite from polluting every facet of our society. Under Article V (Amendments) - through our State legislatures, we can force changes to; and put restrictions on the Government of the United States - that is, the Legislative (Congress), Judicial (Supreme Court), and Executive (President); who all are bound to our Constitution under Article VI (Supremacy Clause). Pursuant to Article VI, they must abide by our rules when those changes and restrictions are ratified under the provisions in Article V because under that provision any amendments become Part of this Constitution. What that means is we can bypass our United States Representative, who clearly do not listen to our voices, and force them to call a Constitutional Convention, whereby, through our State Legislatures, we can select our own delegates from our own States to convene, debate, and propose new restrictions or adjustments to our Constitution. Once those changes are proposed, Congress must act to have those proposals ratified by the State Legislatures or via Convention. All of this is verified by the Supreme Court in United States vs Sprague, 282 UI.S 716 (1931), among other supreme court rulings. This is YOUR key to change the things that most of us can agree with. You see, we the people were already given the keys to shackle an out of control government about 200+ years ago when our founders ratified our constitution - we have the most power of any entity on the planet. Its just that many of us are placing themselves on two battleships (Republican vs Democrat) or with other labels that just creates division. Many of us do nothing except shoot insults at each other all day long, while the Pirates sneak into both ships robbing us of our freedoms and prosperity. Weve been reduced to a bunch of defeatist; scared, hateful, and overwhelmed in disgust and sadness that those of us paying attention, politically, do nothing of substance except to lash out at each other and at the TV instead of lighting a fire within our hearts and others so that we may work together to address the problems that need attention. As another commenter put it -- Its all just one big game, designed to perpetually distract, confuse, infuriate, instill fear, and, most importantly, divide the people. Thomas Jefferson said The price of freedom is ETERNAL VIGILANCE - what that means is to stop believing everything the TV tells you without doing your own investigation and due diligence. Do not believe anyone. Do not believe me. Do not believe anything until you have looked into it yourself and have verified that whatever it may be, it is backed by substance and that it adds up to your own common sense. THINK FOR YOURSELF or someone will gladly do it for you. The alternative is that you are looked at as nothing more then steaks on the table by choice and consent. When you find out you are being lied to, stand up and fight back with your voices and with the law of the land - THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE...and with NO FEAR. We the people must get involved in your own community so that we can stop those who are at work to subvert our power and pervert the Constitution with their lies and deception. The Constitution starts with We the People for a reason - it does not start with We the Government; or Congress, the Judges, Presidents, Corporations, Lobbyist, or otherwise.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 06:57:50 +0000

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