Many of us in the State of Maryland have been hit hard by a - TopicsExpress


Many of us in the State of Maryland have been hit hard by a sluggish economy that has forced us to tighten our financial belts. All Maryland residents like most in this country have faced increases in energy costs, consumer goods and many other strains on the family budget. Getting to work is harder with fuel prices beyond reason and most of us have not had a raise in salary in years. Citizens at the lower end of the pay scale are hit the hardest along with the middle class. Some residents who have lost jobs find they can no longer find employment at a comparably equal salary and are forced to work for less pay. Businesses are either moving out of the state or closing all together. Maryland has had an almost hostile business climate for years, even to the point where other states are courting Maryland businesses to relocate. The Maryland legislature is currently dealing with Governor “OweMalley’s” budget for fiscal year 2015. Logic would have you think that measures would be taken to spur Maryland’s economy to keep business in Maryland, curb spending, and reduce the burden on business and residents. It is the job of government to secure the prosperity of its citizens first. That is what should have happened. Sadly, it is not. Maryland government once again has secured its own well-being above those whom they are to serve. The governor had proposed an increase in the budget. No surprise, but wait. . . .Who is fighting for the average worker? I wonder about that myself. If you follow my posts on Facebook and perhaps have heard me speak, I have spent a lot of time in the details or “nuts and bolts” of the Maryland budget and different expenditures. As a businessman, a very frugal businessman, I was appalled as to the level of gross inefficiencies in a bloated system. Surely in this next budget someone would dig their heels in and demand action. Well, I was wrong. The republican caucus proposed many amendments to cut spending and that was fine, but at the end of the day their own plan revealed a disconnect with their responsibility to secure the prosperity of their citizens, the sacrifice of government, and their misunderstanding of how much some families struggle, yet really want an opportunity to succeed. Instead of digging in and fighting this Republican House Caucus, our Republican delegates proposed their own alternative budget. A one percent increase, rather than the proposed four percent increase. One percent, not much you say. Just remember Maryland has a 39 Billion dollar budget, yes, that’s a “B” for BILLION. Why are we seeking ways to maintain the status quo? We need to fight to reduce the size of Maryland’s government, not find ways to sustain it. We as Republicans cannot ignore the needs of our working citizens. We must fight to make sure that government secures the prosperity of those it serves and not itself. Unlike my opponent Delegate Norman who voted to support this increases in spending, I will fight to reduce the size and scope of government so the citizens can prosper, not government. I will vote no on any budget that does not reduce base spending. It can be done. If we are the party of small government, we need to seek reductions and cuts in the budget, stand our ground to defend the least in our society, and define a difference that we are the party that best answers the needs of the citizens by promoting responsible government and economic opportunity.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:08:51 +0000

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