Many of you who follow my statuses know that i fan be quite candid - TopicsExpress


Many of you who follow my statuses know that i fan be quite candid and i maintain the same level of transparency on here that i do in person. Along those lines, on this day last year, I wrote, hands down, THE most terrifying and horrific status that I hopefully will ever write. That status was to convey that my brother, Fela Lockhart, while out celebrating (responsibly might i add) what should have been one of the most memorable days of his life, his 21st bday, he was robbed at gunpoint and murdered. In the past days, Ive grappled w being able to celebrate on this day, as it is both his birth and death date. But u know what, although I miss my brother terribly, and still cant fully fathom that he is physically gone at times, I refuse to give the power of this date to his demise because 21 years prior on the same date, he was BORN! And he LIVED! THAT is what deserves the honor! So Im warning you now, its going to be #Fayday2014 from my page all day today. I will post 21 memories of my brother throughout the day. If you didnt know him before, you will after today. His final tweet, as many of you may have seen me hashtag often, was Blessed to see 21. Everything counts from here. How profound is that?! And he was right! Everything counts from HERE! Not that night last year, but from TODAY! We didnt get to give my brother the party we planned last year so i want to do something special this year but I need your help! I vowed to make sure that Felas legacy lives on and doesnt die w him, so here goes. If u stopped to read this to this point, first please pray for my family, particularly my mom. Secondly, please post a status that simply says #HappyBirthdayFelamakingitcountfromhere u can include a memory of him, a prayer, or simply the hashtag. But I want everyone who is within the reach of this status to help me send the best happy birthday wishes to the heavens for Fela because I know he is looking down! And remember , dont just like this status or comment on here. SHARE this stat or make a completely separate post so the hashtag travels. Thank you all for your support! #HappyBirthdayFelamakingitcountfromhere
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:09:03 +0000

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