Manyhorses gets nailed with this question every now and then why - TopicsExpress


Manyhorses gets nailed with this question every now and then why do you carry a cross and have Mother Marys picture with you all the time, you are suppose to be a First Nation Traditional Healer. What they did to our people, they used Jesus and Mother Mary and they continue to use them to hurt our people, control and put down. So why do you have them with you? His answer: I laughed first, I said it confused the hell of out me at first. I remember Grandmother talking about it. When I began my healing journey at this point in my life I was very angry at the residential school, I experienced it. The emotional and physical torture that I endured, for at least six years that I went to school there. It came back to me like you would not believe, flash backs, like being on an acid trip. What I witnessed with my Grandparents being hurt, in their old age and at this point I was fighting for survival too. So I was very angry at all the churches and I had a hate on for anyone that wore a uniform. It made me really mean, until the age of 25, I had to change my life, I participated in some western culture workshops, anger management, relationships, etc. It just made me more angry to the point where I was suicidal. I went into vision and saw my Grandmother and Grandfather signing the Absolute Truth to a baby that was me. I remember Grandmother showing me how to walk it. I sat down and changed my life in three hours. From there it was detailing, I was like a drunk sobering up, I was determined to heal and I was using the wisdom of Absolute Truth the wisdom of Ancient Psychology. In a matter of days I was back on my feet, my whole life has changed. Discipline kicked in, lots of old bad habits got kicked to the curb and I started walking straight. At this time I was seeing all kinds of paranormal activity happening around me, with me and I already died three times-I remembered everything. I was given less than a year to live, I went deep into our Traditional Psychology, prayers and our medicines. I was determined to bring back grandparents teachings pure, I did journals. I wrote day and night to the point I began to experience pain in my feet and my hands. I became a hermit for three years-that gave me the opportunity to research day and night on the computer. I wanted to know what happened to me, by the residential school, and I wanted to know the residential schools teachings, where did it come from and identify it. What I learned will blow your mind. It made it a lot easier for me to forgive the nuns and priests and those that harmed me and my family. The realization that we are all innocent became clear once understood. One time I was doing a workshop, I went into full blown vision, the cross, there was thunder and lightening and rain. It was full blown color, I could see the soldiers wearing silver grey armor with burgandy shirts. It is a story I dont hardly ever talk to anybody about. When I came out of the vision, I no longer have pain in my feet or my side. I carry a cross in both hands. That confused me like you would not believe. I argued that I was a traditional man, it was a catholic thing and did not belong to our people. Being a visionary, Mother Mary, Jesus and Grandparents showed up and many Grandmothers and Grandfathers. Mother Mary spoke and said that man has taken and used them for selfish reasons for greed and power. They were not meant to be that way, they were like us, free people. The reason why I experienced stigmata is because I have been walking the Absolute Truth. Mother Mary waves her hand at all the Grandmothers and Grandfathers and everybody and said We all walk the same path. I cried, being a tough guy that never use to cry it feels good to cry again. I asked Jesus and Mother Mary to forgive me for hating and blaming for what happened to our people. That I would be honored if I can include them in my prayers and I will be honored to walk with them both and all the Elders. From that day forward, they have always been in my prayers, I always see Angels, I keep them busy. It is truly amazing, the spirits who come to you, you begin to also connect with Buddha, many masters, and we all end up connecting with on the other side. Like I always say, you have to work for walk it and talk it. You dont worry about what other people say or do, you just keep walking. Grandparents talk about that being the gauntlet of life, they speak of a trail, where every now and then the old dark ones will poke their heads out of the darkness and try to throw you off track-with the dos, donts and fear factors. They try to get you to argue, you just smile and say I pray for you and keep going.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 03:24:23 +0000

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