Mar. 21: Gm. A Life Lesson: When We Suffer...Scripture teaches a - TopicsExpress


Mar. 21: Gm. A Life Lesson: When We Suffer...Scripture teaches a number of practical lessons about suffering: First, it is OK to ask for a different road, as Jesus did, but we should choose Gods will above all. Our best response to adversity is, God what do you want me to learn through this? Second, we need support and godly relationships, especially during trials. Genuine friends will speak truth kindly and encourage us in Christ. They will also faithfully lift us up in prayer. Third, it is natural to struggle with prayer when pain is intense. During those times, a simple Help me, is sufficient. God wants us to acknowledge His Lordship, but He does not expect us to have perfect words. Fourth, we should resist the temptation to blame. Jesus was betrayed and rejected, yet He asked God to forgive those who crucified Him. We should not blame others for our hurt. By turning to God during tough times, we are choosing to trust His ultimate authority. Our Father may not have caused the hardship, but He allowed it. And He will use it for His glory and our good. The key to suffering is remembering that God is in control and always with His children. In love, He allows pain, but He also places a limit on its length and intensity. God will bring you through. Read John 16:33. Love you and give care!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:06:31 +0000

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