MarGer It was a warm Summer day in Paris , France, It was a - TopicsExpress


MarGer It was a warm Summer day in Paris , France, It was a booming City, Much expected in Paris Of course, Namely, The City Of Love as it had come to be known. There wasnt a Cloud in the sky as we come up to a young man sleeping by a tree in the local Cementary, His Hair was Dark brown with black streaks going through, He wore a old Bright Blue Button up Jacket with a black undershirt, Black Jeans, and Brown workboots. His Name was Justin Cornilus Belcourt, He is 17 years old at the time , Waking up, Justin begins to groan, Ugh....., What time is it?, Just wondered as he looked at his watch. 7:23 a.m the watch read, Shit! , he said shocked and frightened, im going to be late! He had gotten home last night after a long detention sentence, he only meaned to rest his eyes by taking a break halfway home, He dashed through the streets, his school is all the way On the other side of Paris, well not exactly, Justin has no perception of distance, anything not by him is too far away, Justin through about it, realizing if he were to get a train ride, he most likely would make it, Wheres the sationwheresthestationwheresth- , Justin runs into someone pushing him and the person straight to the ground,. Ah! Sorry mada- .. Oh Janet its you , he said getting up while helpinghis friend, Its fine, Says Janet, She was 17 years old, Janet had brownish blond hair going all the way down her back in An undescribible styling, she is wearing a long blue Corderiod jacket , going to her ankles, black pants, and black dress shoes with an indigo shirt underneath the corderoid, she had a fair skin tone, with bright, emerald green eyes,. Where are you off to in a hurry?, Says Janet, T-train-staiton, h-have to beatschool, n-no more detent- , Justin gasps, obvisiously still out of breath. Justin., says Janet, Hm?, - Justin, schools only 6 blocks up, north, Janet said, sighing at her friends stupidity, Justin stares at her for at least an entire minute, before falling to the floor gasping for breath, Oh yeah thats right...., Said Justin, Sigh..., Remind me why im together with an idiot like you again, she said, facepalming herself, Justin, smirking at the oppirtunity, grinned wide before giving Janet a big ol kiss, Janet, Blushing provouncly at the gester, slapped Justin right in the face after pulling away reluctly, P-Pervert! Janet yelled, still blushing at the kiss, Whatever you say,Sweedy , Justin said, ignoring the stinging Pain at the side of his face, Haha, yes, im Swedish and sweet sounds like swed, I get it Belcourt, verry funny, Janet, seemingfully annoyed at Justin, Ah come on Jan, Whats the problem? , Justin said, now calmed down and breath regained, W-we can talk about that later, We have to get to class , Janet said, Profounce blush subsiding, Justins Eyes when wide at the realization, SHHHHHIIIIIT! , He screamed as he picked up Janet and began sprinting for class, H-hey! , Janet said, blush returning, P-put me down you pervert! I may be perverted, Said Justin, But not in that way! He said while he kept running, He put her down as they ran into Cornilia acadamy turning right to homeroom just as the bell rang, After school Justin and Janet left headed to Justins house for the afternoon until Janets Parents came, Welcome! Said Justin trying to mimic his dads heavy accent, To Le Belcourt Manōr! You really are an idiot , Said Janet annoyed, You forgot pervert as well, mlady, Said Justin twirling an imaginary mustashe, Aha! You admit it!, Screamed Janet in delight, Admitted what? , Said Justin amused, Janets finger fell limp as she kick Justin in the vital Region, (speaks Gibberish) , said Justin in pain, Wh-when did you get such a strong ki-, Janet cut Justin off, Im a pro at Soccor , Said Janet, How do you think i got into the academy? My familys not rich, no reccomendations, im just lucky the school principal was driving by to take me in and add me to their list, Theres two reasons why i like the fact he took the vacation, , Justin said, What is i-, Janet was cut off as Justin kissed her again, which sent her leg to his groin jewels again, but missing, NOPE!, said Justin as he grabbed her leg and kissed her, leading the other to kick him in the side, and then the face, and right to the Jewles again, A-a-a-a-a-a-a, , was all Justin could murmur through the excuriating pain, Perverted idiot!, Janet repeated several times while kicking him over and over again. Now calm Janet goes inside leaving the immasculant Justin on the floor paralyzed. T-the.. , Justin murmured through the pain, Janet stopped to listen, Is that when he came back..., , Justin countinued, He brought you here...,, Janet blushed at this, she faintly smiled before erasing it, P-p-ervert..., , She said, like she never smiled, Justin saw the smile, and smiled himself, What are you smiling at idot? , Janet question, You look so cute when you smile, did you ever know that? , Justin said, Janet then picked Justin up and threw him inside, Justin groaned as his face hit the carpeted birch wood flooring, I-idiototic pervert... she murmured as she closed the door and when to the kitchen, Leaving Justin face-first on the floor, . After getting up, Justin then went to the kitchen to see Janet, back turned away from him, playing with the family cat, Ruby, Prrrrr , the Kitten purred delighted, Whos a good kitty? You are! Yees yoou aree!~ , Janet sang happily petting the little half black half orange feline. Justin wouldve said something, but hes sure shell REALLY kill him if he did, so he back away slowly going up to his room, his room was rather small, only enough for a two - person bed, closet, bookself, and desk,, nothing to exactly describe his room, other than it was monochrome, all kinds of shades and mixtures of black, white, and gray, Justin laid his backpack on the floor and switched his clothing with a black shirt with stripped sleeves in black and white, Everything in their lives was perfect, Justin was living the life, he was rich, living (to him) the best city in the world, Paris, he was an honors student and had the best girl in the world, even if shes a little rough around the edges...., As Justin lays on his bed he thinks of getting a head start on his homework, when he walks to the desk, something on the top ofit catches his attention, its a picture of him, around the ages of 7 or 8, he was outside an orhanage with his parents, Justin knew of him being adopted, his life was rough whe he was littlw, he was considered a street rat when he was little, which the locals of Paris called him, his adoptive mother, Carrie, was unable to have children, so his adoptive father, Richard, took her to an Orhanage to choose a child, he never knew what it was about him she liked enough to choose him. He never did ask either, ....Been over a decade........., said the nostalgia infected Justin, Justin wasnt really sentimental of his past, he hated it, always being teased for being poor, without a mother or father, the kids at school would always laugh at him, making fun of him, even for not having a mom, yeah.., the kids when he was little were big jerks, always saying, Loser! Loser! Pussy Jussy is a loser!, Justin never did anything, just reported to the teacher with a blank emotionless face, and watching the teacher scorn them and send them to the principals office, Now that i think of it... I probally shouldve just Punched them in the face, said Justin laughing slightly, Justin then set the picture down and grab his notebook and went downstairs to see Janet, Hey Jane! Said Justin as he entered the kitchen, seeing Janet missing and Ruby sleeping on his little bed, as usual, the kitten enjoying the comfort of the dark red fabric, Justin then leaves the kitchen going to the living room, Oh, there you a- Justin stops into a whisper, seeing Janet sound alseep on a couch, he goes by her before taking something out of his pack, a BLOWHORN. He positions it over her ear hand above the button, he liked torchring Janet, he wasnt mean or anything like that, he just liked seeing her mad, he cant get enough of hering her voice slightly squeaky when ever shes infuriated at him, although the score always even, with her punching/kicking him and calling him perverted, although he has no interested in the Subject. As he is about to push the button, he hears someone say, Do it, and ill make you regret being BORN.., Janet said groggily, Eh,, said Justin pulling the blowhorn away from Janets ear, We got homework to do, Justin said Pushing it forward, 2 HOURS LATER..., FOCAS FOR GODS SAKE! , Janet scream angrily, Why? , said Justin for the THIRDITHITH TIME. A car honking came form outside, Thank god, said Janet , I get to leave this loony bin! Said Janet angrily sighing with relief., Dont leave me! I cant live without you! Said Justin in a Mocking face/voice, You dying would be a blessing neither Jesus or Lucifer could grant me...,, she said in a low whisper, .... Okay now that was just uncalled for and mean..., said Justin, his smile leaving his face and looking down, Janet snaps out of her little world and looks back, Well youre always mean to me! Says Janet, Thats different!, said Justin, How? Im mean out of love!, Plus mine and annoying , yours is just mean, , Justin said defensivly, LOVE!? , HA! OUT OF LOVE MY ASS! , Janet screamed! Always teasing me..., always jumping out of nowhere and scaring me...., A-always...., catching me off g-gaurd..., Janet mumbled, Off guard? , said Justin confused, Kissing me out of nowhere! Janet yelled, I hate it when you do that! Not my fault..., said Justin leaning on the white wall, And HOW is that? ,Janet said sarcasticly, TWO YEARS., said Justin, Weve been dating for over two years, the SURPRISES , only began 3 months ago, said Justin, You never let me kiss you ever for almost two whole years, You call me a pervert...., all im doing is kissing you, not with tounge, just lips, i never try grabbing anywhere, or say anything pervert Yet... Justin comtinued, You attack me for kissing you, boyfriends, husbands..., they kiss their girlfriends and wives REGULRALY., why is it...., when im trying to show you I love you, you push me away...., like im a marred freak or something, you call me an idiot all the time...., All because when I kiss you I try to brighten the mood, Im an idiot and a pervert for laughing happily for kissing you? My own Girlfriend?, because im happy im kissing someone I love? , Justin whispered harshily, Janet stared at him in shocked of what Justin said, I know im weird, but I DO love you, Janet Berhardston, Justin said lookin at the floor, his long brown hair over his eyes, With all my heart...., And im treated like im deaseased or something,......, Justin continued spilling his emotions to her, And im tried of it....., Justin said starting to choke up, Jane....., I DEMAND RESPECT! , Justin cried out, tears starting to flow down his face, Sometimes..., I...I question it...., if being with you is a good thing..., when I get nothing in return....,No love shown torwards me..., just..., Idiot... , pervert.... , Stupid....., Its either I get shown respect and understanding or....., Justin paused, Or.... , Janet said frightened and in shock, ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Or.......Its OVER, Justin said slowly Janet looked at him with hurt eyes, I already know what your going to say..., said Justin as he tirns around to go up the stairs, only to be stopped by Janet Wrapping her arms around Justins back, hands joining at his stomach and going up, hugging his chest, Im sorry....,, Janet started to whimper, Me too....., Justin whispered, Janets knees fall fo the floor as Jusfins follow, his large hands clasping her small ones, entwining each digit in a lovingly strong embrace, -there it is, w.i.p. though, this will be a long [asta because i want to tortorre mr.creepypasta.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 07:47:27 +0000

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