March 19 Ps 19;21;24 Afternoon 19:1 For the director of - TopicsExpress


March 19 Ps 19;21;24 Afternoon 19:1 For the director of music. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God;the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech;night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, 5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other;nothing is hidden from its heat. 7 The law of the LORD is perfect,reviving the soul.The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the LORD are right,giving joy to the heart.The commands of the LORD are radiant,giving light to the eyes. 9 The fear of the LORD is pure,enduring forever.The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous. 10 They are more precious than gold,than much pure gold;they are sweeter than honey,than honey from the comb. 11 By them is your servant warned;in keeping them there is great reward. 12 Who can discern his errors?Forgive my hidden faults. 13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;may they not rule over me.Then will I be blameless,innocent of great transgression. 14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Ps 21 21:1 For the director of music. A psalm of David. O LORD, the king rejoices in your strength.How great is his joy in the victories you give! 2 You have granted him the desire of his heart and have not withheld the request of his lips.Selah 3 You welcomed him with rich blessings and placed a crown of pure gold on his head. 4 He asked you for life, and you gave it to him--length of days, for ever and ever. 5 Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty. 6 Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. 7 For the king trusts in the LORD;through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken. 8 Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies;your right hand will seize your foes. 9 At the time of your appearing you will make them like a fiery furnace.In his wrath the LORD will swallow them up,and his fire will consume them. 10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth,their posterity from mankind. 11 Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed; 12 for you will make them turn their backs when you aim at them with drawn bow. 13 Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength;we will sing and praise your might. Ps 24 24:1 Of David. A psalm. The earth is the LORDs, and everything in it,the world, and all who live in it; 2 for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. 3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?Who may stand in his holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. 5 He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior. 6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,who seek your face, O God of Jacob. Selah 7 Lift up your heads, O you gates;be lifted up, you ancient doors,that the King of glory may come in. 8 Who is this King of glory?The LORD strong and mighty,the LORD mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates;lift them up, you ancient doors,that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is he, this King of glory?The LORD Almighty--he is the King of glory. NIV
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:24:22 +0000

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