Mark 1:14-15 Jesus announces the Good News Scripture 14 - TopicsExpress


Mark 1:14-15 Jesus announces the Good News Scripture 14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Observation Why is John in prison? Not for a personal insult against Herod, as in other gospel accounts. A political pronouncement- the Lord is here- and for providing an alternative to the temple, free of charge (an economic and power challenge). This is all we know of John. And here in this tiny passage, Jesus adds to this agenda. John said the way needed preparing, and here is the arrival. Twice this passage uses the phrase ‘good news’. The Good News is this: The Kingdom of God has come near. Is it too much to presume that Jesus is saying at this point ‘in me, the kingdom of God has come near’, or am I reading with the benefit of what I know? I try to imagine being in the first audience who ever sat down to hear this gospel read aloud. I might have had some knowledge from an oral tradition. So maybe even I would have known how this story will end. But sometimes I wish I could read it again for the first time, and feel the surprise. I think it is reasonable to read in this ‘at this moment, you will see God breaking through into human history.’ This has to be about more than a turning over of the current oppressor. Oppressors come and go. There will always be another. But what if something happens that means that they are, despite appearances, declawed: that their power is illusory? Can I believe that? Can I stop fighting the shadows and turn to a Kingdom of God agenda? Application There is an old hymn ‘Fight the good fight’. Identify that which is good. Side with it. Turn away from fighting the selfish fight, the worldly fight, the fight for status and for a prosperity which is at the expense of others, and which ends in death. The fight worth fighting is the one that sees the Kingdom of God grow and flourish, and it is characterized by goodness. It is a huge act of faith to step away from what the world says works, a complete change of mind. Prayer Father God, may I never fall for the old lie that if only I can get my hands on enough cash I can insulate myself from the realities of life. May I instead focus on using what I have to bless others. May I believe, down in the very centre of my being, that this kingdom project, characterized by goodness, mercy, love and truth, is a present and growing reality, not pie in the sky when I die.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 08:06:23 +0000

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