Mark 9:23 KJVA Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all - TopicsExpress


Mark 9:23 KJVA Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. If thou canst believe This phrase which Jesus spoke to the father of the sick boy is very much insightful.This phrase brings forth two main points- 1.The determinant - The word determinant means the determining or causal element.The synonyms of determinant are determiner, determinative, determining factor, causal factor, cognitive factor. The father of the sick boy was shifting the blame to the disciples of Jesus that the could not cure his son.In the same way,most people blame others for the kind of life that they are in and what happens to them.But Jesus told the father that he was wrong for thinking that others are the determinants in his life. Rather Jesus told him,he was the determining factor of his own life.Thats the reason why Jesus said if you not if they or if God.This means that God expects man to take responsible for the change of his situation. Examples of an individual being the determinant- The centurion was the determinant of the healing of his servant.(Matthew 8:8) The woman with the issue of blood was the determinant of her healing.(Mark 5:28) The woman of canaan was the determinant of the healing of her daughter.(Matthew 15:27) 2.The condition. The word condition means an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else.The synonyms of condition are terms,precondition, premise,boundary condition,arrangement. After Jesus has pointed out to the father that he was the determinant of the healing.He went further to tell him the condition on which the supernatural power of God will be take place.The condition was you can believe.Therefore believe is the one and only condition when met by any determinant the supernatural power of God will go into manifestation.(John 11:40) Example of individuals meeting the condition - Blind Bartimaeus.(Mark 10:52)*The centurion. (Matthew 8:13)*The two blind men.(Matthew 9:29)*The woman from canaan.(Matthew 15:28)*The woman with the issue of blood.(Matthew 9:22)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:25:36 +0000

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