Mark Burchett I woke up this morning and felt like I got - TopicsExpress


Mark Burchett I woke up this morning and felt like I got punched in the stomach. I have received confirmation of the following. I cannot reveal my sources because it would jeopardize their lives and the lives of their families. (Dont just hit like because of the pic and skip the text. Your life could depend on it.) ISIS is a Red Herring. The Muslims are just willing pawns in a manufacture of a much larger scenario. They think they can win because thats what the CIA operatives are telling them. We could swat them like a bug but, thats not the plan. The plan is to DESTABILIZE the United States. We are the LAST bastion of freedom and THAT cant exist for the NWOs plans. Part of that plan is to keep Americans focus off of what is REALLY going on. ISIS is a creation of the CIA. The border crisis is another distraction to get ISIS into the US. In order to get our guns, Martial Law, though it wont be called that because even the STUPID Liberals know thats a bad thing, MUST be declared. Posse Commitatus (Forbids US military from operating on US soil) has been suspended by the NDAA 2012. The purge of those loyal to the US Constitution in our military continues. There are OVER 43,000 Russian Spetznaz training in the US right now. They will be Contractors to the US Government. Theyre here to kill you and its something they excel at. Of ALL the groups we could face, the Spetznaz makes NAVY SEALS and Delta Force look like Girl Scouts. They give me pause for GREAT concern. (Oh yeah, that thing in the Ukraine? Its a manufacture (Red Herring) between our Government and Russia. Yes people are dying. That is of no consequence to the NWO.) Indefinite Detention without: Cause, charges or rights for a Lawyer, Phone call, etc.., is in effect. (NDAA 2012) Meaning: They can snatch up anyone they choose for any reason or no reason at all and hold them anywhere they like with NO rights afforded the accused. We BETTER get our shit together AND SOON. The guys we will be facing have been planning this for a VERY long time. I saw a quote once: Whatever horror you could imagine, your government is doing things that are worse. Turns out, its true. Life as we know it will change anytime between 9/11/2014 and 2016 but, the thing that is CERTAIN is: It WILL happen. America died and we watched her do it.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:38:42 +0000

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