Mark Twain , said, “ Do not argue with idiots. They will drag - TopicsExpress


Mark Twain , said, “ Do not argue with idiots. They will drag you down to the lowest level and beat you with experience “ Really Mr. Twain and people who quote this, note well that: I think this is some sort of defence-mechanism and would imply ignorance of a subject who says such before the subject has proved his her point. After a subject has proved his/her point to an idiot, the subject as would be expected by the subject itself will shut up. No one said , not the wisest did so , nor Socrates did not to make a point to the mad. The mad is like polarity. + and minus. It cannot be distinguishable. If u r against majority for a thing u r –vetly charged and in support with the majority u r +vely charged. Now for different things u may be differently charged. The polarity after the summation of charges would matter. If it is still negative, then you can be logically said to be odd or even wrong. But the question is can u judge good or bad with respect to positive and negative charges? Positive or negative only implies that the density or the frequency or the period of occurrence is MORE THAN OTHERS OR LESS THAN OTHERS which implies similar thinking for different people or different thinking for different people, for 1 or more subjects. Actually saying who is good or bad is indistinguishable. It’s only a matter of choice and what seems to best accommodate survival in accordance to having respect for Life. The bad and good is only defined by people I think. and I will reason as such that MURDER AND KILLING PEOPLE is a BAD thing. Bad things are things which a people should not do. And they are often the extreme ones. Such as murder. All other things based on the level of extremeness, if not extreme, then are only subjective and would be associated with a polarity with each human. Note these things, even though subjective , will also resemblance absolute necessity like murder/or not murder concept by a individual groups of humans covering whole of humanity. I cannot predict this behavior for humans with certainty in the next millennium though. They might be ultra modern or might have a different understanding of “success” and might be even invisible to each other or would only be made visible to each other , in accordance to priority. Okay back to reality, it maybe seen all humans of the world and their decisions based on options can be subgrouped into a fewer number of attirbutes rather than having an infinite number of attributes. Not attributes not same as plus and minus polarity. the max no of polarities are not much as we think they are. I don’t know what is the number since I have not studied human behavior in a extensive basis in context to this. Plus and minus can only be used after the final evaluation. For example, after I have evaluated the methods of behaviors for races and races and societies and societies of people covering almost all of humanity in context to a probability distribution, I first group and then subgroup them according to similarities or those agreeing with a particular but SAME thing in one group.. for instance 5 people agree on a thing. And 3 disgree on the same thing. 5 grouped as a different heading name and 3 grouped as another different heading name. Then on a next search for the same thing, it is seen 5 agree with those with a particular heading and 3 diagree with those from the same heading. So it will be an add to 5+5 on the previous comment. And 3 will remain same. So we have now 10 AGREE on a particular thing for a specific heading and 3 still AGGREEING on SOME OTHER HEADING. After all the groupings are done and their evaluations carried out, all can be minimized as + and – only in context to a specific heading. For example, if out of 500 billion ppl on earth 300 billion agree with a heading named A. and 300 agree with a heading name B which is a direct opposite or a inverse function to the sayings (points) of heading A. so this 300 people can be grouped in A` (A prime heading) which is exactly equal to heading B. similarly B’ (B prime) will be a group that is exactly equal to heading A. A’ and B’ are actually are like polarities and plus and minus.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 23:33:17 +0000

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