Mary K Cariddi Wrote Enough is Enough! I want the TRUTH, - TopicsExpress


Mary K Cariddi Wrote Enough is Enough! I want the TRUTH, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth! Even if it is “ONE HELL OF A STORY’. As we all know corruption is well ingrained in our government from the top, down to the bottom. I have watched and been made aware of internal audits going on in the different departments of government. Audits of the systems that run government. This is a must if they are going to be corrected. I believe Minister Hulse when he said it took two hundred and some days to figure out the mess called Social Security. But I do not believe his seven point system is going to correct the problems in immigration. Unless it includes finger printing from the day a person applies for a visa, police report, residence, citizenship, social security card, birth paper, ect. And that those finger prints be entered into a data system that is connected to INTERPOL, and that all thumb prints be added to passport, Social Security card, Visa, Nationality document, Birth paper, ect. I believe that a thumb print scanning system should be put in place in all government offices where by no files can be accessed unless said thumb print is authorized to do so. As far as Mr Penner is concern if he committed a crime, then let the system punish him. Not the corrupt politicians that are out there trying to CRUICIFY him with no real evidence and no trial, For their own political gain! Hell, from what I have read they have tried and convicted him already. (you would think Belize is a pot of gold by their actions!) I do not know Mr. Penner personally, but we have watch him in action, and he truly does try to help the people of his constituency, fairly and without political or racist prejudices. I am not one to believe what I here, but what I see. Actions speak louder than words. But remember this people, if it was not for Interpol and the International Press, I do not believe we would ever have heard about this passport issue. If Penner is guilty of a crime, then punish his ass to the fullest extent of the law. But do not let the deeds of a junior Minister blind you to all the good this party is doing. I am against this recall movement for couple of very good reason. I do not believe that changing Parties will solve the corruption problems. I believe we the people have to push for governmental systems to be changed. If that means we need a new constitution, as I now believe, then so be it. I do not believe either party TRULY wants REAL Accountability. At least not the corrupt ones. So it is up to us the people of Belize to make these changes happen. Now, the main reason I do not want to see a change in parties at this time, is this, in my forty three years, I have never seen so many infrastructure up grade programs going on in this country as I do now! My God people look around you, country wide, streets, roads, schools, parks, hospitals, social services, police. Much needed, long overdue projects, being done, while carrying the Super Bond as well. Not only that I feel safe talking out about the corruption I see going on. I feel that this government is listening to the people. It may take clapping them upside the head at times with demonstrations Like our Purple movement. But they listened and are trying to move this country out of the dark ages. For me it seems bloody slow. But then I think of how backwards we have allowed our corrupt politicians to keep us. My family and I have been talking about one of the sons stepping up and running. But after watching the crucifixion of this junior Minister and the vileness of the way this scandal is being handled, we are having second thoughts. As the system is now, would you as a good decent hardworking citizen want to step up? Again I say we need to spend our time and energy on changing how we are governed, and demand laws that actual punish the criminals. We need a new constitution!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 02:02:09 +0000

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