Mary, What about Mary? Good day my friends!!! Now I raise this - TopicsExpress


Mary, What about Mary? Good day my friends!!! Now I raise this question since the Roman Catholics are teaching that Mary is the Queen of Heaven, being born sinless, Assumption into Heaven, crowned Queen of Heaven, Mediatrix, which one needs to go to Mary and not directly to Jesus but through Mary who according to the Roman Catholic church the Mediatrix. Also declared officially as Co-redemptrix by Pope John XXIII even though being taught from the 11th century, also been taught as Mother of God and the veneration of Mary. Also again statues being made in honor of her and the saint and also the one of her holding the Baby Jesus. Now Let us look where she comes from and also test this concept with Scripture, which is our final authority. First of all, let us go back to the Tower of Babel and Nimrod in Genesis 10 and 11. Now first of all, Nimrod was given birth to by Semiramis to Cush, her husband and Nimrods father. Nimrod became a mighty man who was a hunter of the souls of people, who later married his own mother, Semiramis and he and his mother led the people into rebellion against God. Theyve built the city of Babylon and the Tower of Babel since Nimrod and his mother wanted to become like gods. God confused their language. Secondly Nimrod and his mother designed the mystery religion of idol worship, witchcraft and the occult. Both Nimrod, Cush and his mother became the gods and goddesses. Semiramis was crowned the Queen of Heaven and Nimrod ruled the skies and Cush the underworld. Semiramis also became known as the Great Mother and the Mother of the Earth. Shem, the son of Noah later put Nimrod to death due to the rebellion of Nimrod against God and for his sin, cutting the body of Nimrod into pieces and send it around the earth as a warning to those who followed into his footsteps. Now Semiramis gave birth to the son of her and Nimrod, calling him Tammuz, claiming that Nimrod came back to life, inventing the Mother-Child Cult which is also practiced in the Roman Catholic Church. Since then theyve taken on different names in different languages, in Egypt Semiramis became known as Isis, Nimrod as Osiris and Tammuz known as Horus. In Canaan Nimrod became known as Baal, Tammuz known as Molech and Semiramis known as Astarte, whom the Jews followed after her calling her in a blasphemous way the wife of God. Among the Greeks Semiramis became known as Hera, Nimrod known as Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, Tammuz known as Helios the sun god. Among the Romans Nimrod was known as Jupiter, Semiramis known as Diana/Venus/Juno and Tammuz became known as Apollo. Later on during the rise of Papacy, after the times of Constantine the Great Paganism invaded the church, the statue of Jupiter was renamed Peter, the statue of Juno was renamed Mary, the statue of Apollo renamed Jesus and also the statue of a mother holding a baby was renamed Mary and Jesus. What is the Scripture saying about this? Lets go to Genesis 1 and John 1 again. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. in John 1 is clear, in the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word is God and the Word was with God in the beginning and nothing was made that was made without the Word and the Word became flesh. Already indicating that before the creation was, Jesus is. Jesus also said in John 8 that before Abraham was, that He is as we read in John 8:54 - 56. Also again in Matthew 12:46 - 50 where Jesus answered them who said that His mother and his brother and sisters stood outside and wanted to speak to Him, that Jesus answered, who is My mother, and who is His brothers? Then He pointed out towards His Disciples, saying that they are His mother and brother and sisters, only those who are doing the will of His Father. Also again nowhere do we see Jesus addressing His mother as mother, but as woman, as we are seeing in John 2:4 after his mother told Him that they had no wine, he did not say mother, he addressed her like this, woman, what have I to do with thee? and also at the cross where He said to His mother, woman, here is your son and to John, here is your mother. Clearly that Jesus never recognized Mary as the Mother of God nor instruct us to go through her. Is she born sinless? Lets look at Luke 1:46 & 48 where Mary said of Jesus as her Lord and Savior, clearly that she indicated that she needs a savior, which is clear that she was not born without sin and was not a sinless woman. Also again Romans 3:10 - 23 that all had sin and that there is none righteous, not even one, all had sin and fall short of the glory of God. Again the whole issue of Mary being born sinless is refuted. Did Mary remained a virgin? Not according to Matthew 1:25 and also the Bible did not say that Joseph had other children when he married Mary, but rather He knew her not till she gave birth to Jesus, not she remained a virgin thereafter at all. but rather that Jesus did have brothers and sisters born after Him. Therefore Mary never remained a virgin afterwards. Is Mary assumed into Heaven. There is no biblical records of it at all. Is Mary crowned Queen of Mary. In Jeremiah 7:18 - 22 and again Jeremiah 44:15 - 27 where God judged the nation of Israel for provoking Him to anger by worshipping and serving the Queen of Heaven and poured out His wrath over them. In Revelation 2:19 - 24 where Jesus Himself pronounce His judgement against this Queen of Heaven and those who worshipped and play harlot with her and tolerate her and again in Revelation 17 and 18 the judgement of God against this harlot, also called the Queen of Heaven and renamed Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. God will not change His mind and say that Mary is the Queen of Heaven and nowhere do we see it written in the Word of God as such. Mediatrix. The Bible is very clear in John 14:6 where Jesus is the only way, truth and live and that no one comes to the Father except through Him and that we are to abide in Him as He instructed us to do so in John 15:6 & 7 and also again in 1 Timothy 2:5 - 6 that Jesus is the only mediator and not Mary at all. Co-redemptrix? Again Jesus Christ is very clear again in these same verses Ive given and also where Paul stated in Romans 3:20 - 32 and 6:23 and 1 Timothy 2:5 & 6 and also again in Acts 4:10 - 12 very clear that our redemption is in Christ alone and not together with Mary at all. Also again the Roman Catholics are looking forward to the day that Mary would defeat Satan in the future, yet the Scripture makes no reference to it, but rather in Colossians 2:11 - 15 where Paul made it clear that Satan had already been defeated on the cross and also in John 16:11 that Satan is already condemned. In conclusion as Ive put everything together, the Doctrine on Mary is refuted by Scripture, a doctrine of Demons by the Roman Catholics since it is not Mary that they are praying to but to Satan himself through the Queen of Heaven and God is clear on His Word and will not change it. The Queen of Heaven is the Mother of Harlots, the Mother of all abomination and mysteries and that god will not tolerate us for venerating the Queen of Heaven and we shall have no other gods before Him and that the redemption is in Christ alone and He is the only way, truth and life and the door to the Father, not Mary nor the pope and that the holy Spirit and jesus intercedes for us.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 17:13:14 +0000

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