Maskwa 2014 October 25-26 Sixteen went: Fonnee, Karis, Yisha, - TopicsExpress


Maskwa 2014 October 25-26 Sixteen went: Fonnee, Karis, Yisha, Emma, Curtis, Henry, Rafe, Harrison, Jason, Soleiman, Shail,Ron, Jose, Mardel,Tom & Dom Sixteen safely returned. Which comes first, sunset or sunrise? Easier than the chicken vs egg scenerio. Face on the tree, big face in the angry sky. They hiked to the falls, some came back like mud ducks. Tom made history with the first solo hike to see the falls. Karis did a solo canoe trip eastward, after Janga Janga. The two Jays: Jose and Jason made a canoe trip to the rapids. Mardel had a mild heart attack but he survived,(ask him about it) Tom paddled solo to St. Charles, maybe not quite. Round trip 5 hrs., two there, three back. Fonnee keep us alive by food. Curtis did same by chopping firewood and stoking the fire which kept our fingers and toes warm. Some other amateurs chopped wood too, thats a different story altogether. Old friends, new friends alike . . . . some chitchats, some deep insight into the meaning of life, as well as the dabbling onto the other side. Thank you all for coming out and it has been a wonderful weekend.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:12:33 +0000

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