Matt Brown Ice Water Challenge!!!! So we did the video last night - TopicsExpress


Matt Brown Ice Water Challenge!!!! So we did the video last night and had A LOT of technical difficulties lol... BUT after spending most the night reformatting and cutting the glitches out.... ITS READY!!!! Big Thank you to Kristi & George for staying up WAAYYYY past our bed times to get the bugs worked out :) BIG THANK YOU to Beefalo Bobs again for donating the ice for this challenge as well!!!! Jaimie Merritt where do you guys get that ice from.... Antarctica?!?!?!?! For some reason the past two challenges have been EXTRA freezing cold lol not sure if the temp has dropped or if its the extra ice Earl Smith IV requested but they are COLD... FREEZING COLD lol with that said.... Usually I give you guys the nominations before the ice is poured and I do that for a reason... any of you who have taken the challenge know just how hard it is to form any type of thought lol and if you think your going to remember what you were going to say after the ice is poured FORGET it!!!!! LOL so youll see just what Im talking about when you watch the video.... SOOO since we were missing a few of the nominations in the video here they are.... Kevin Backstrom (in the video) Scott from 98Rock (in the video) Felicia Collins, Charles C Jett IV, Michele Lynch, Jessica Cublinsky, Brandon XC Tmf Kirkwood, Heather Bidinger, Aaron Pauley, Tyler Clarke Stephenie Llafr Snowan & Stephanie Dougaree You guys have 24 hours to complete this challenge or donate $100 to the Family of Matt Brown... If you havent been following and wondering what in the world possessed me to dump 8 BUCKETS instead of just the one that everyone else is doing... go to My Photos... Click Albums.... Videos and you can view them from the beginning... OFFER STILL STANDS!!!! 1 bucket for every $50 donated to Matt and his family @ gofundme/prayingformatt Quarter auction TONIGHT!!!! Flyer is on my page and will also be in the comments below with still shots from the video... PLEASE SHARE AND INVITE!!!! :) As always THANK YOU ALL for your AMAZING support!!! PLEASE keep Praying, Sharing & Donating!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 17:23:35 +0000

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