Matthew 3:16-17When He had been baptized,Jesus came up immediately - TopicsExpress


Matthew 3:16-17When He had been baptized,Jesus came up immediately from the wayer; and behold,the heavens were opened to Him,and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and a lighting upon Him...And suddenly a voice came from heaven came from heaven,saying,This is My beloved Son,in whom I am well pleased.Is this LITERAL?Are the gates are closed that they need to be opened?Can we see the SPIRIT of God literally?Is the dove literally the spirit of God or just symbolism?What does it symbolizes?In Matthew 17:5-8,that after hearing the voiceThis is My beloved Son,in whom I am well pleased,hear Him,....,verse 8When they had lifted up their eyes,they saw no one but Jesus only...Why is it so?Where is the Father?Where is the Holy Spirit?Also this can be read in Mark 9:8 also in Luke 9:36... Are we seeing this as literally?If that is so we are natural,sensual,literal man and not spiritual..Cause if we interpret this as we read it literally,..then it has no difference from any ordinary book live novels,history or pocketbooks...Is it not the words that the Lord speaks are Spirit(John 6:63) and the law is spiritual(Romans 7:14)?..As it is written...For those who live according to the flesh sets their minds on the things of the flesh,but those who live according to the Spirit,the things of the Spirit...(Romans 8:5)..As it is also written in 2 Corinthians 3:6who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant,...NOT OF THE LETTER BUT THE SPIRIT,..FOR THE LETTER KILLETH,BUT THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE...Another also in 1 Corinthians 2:14But the NATURAL MAN receiveth not the THINGS OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD;FOR THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS UNTO HIM,NEITHET CAN HE KNOW THEM,BECAUSE THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY be continued...
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:56:31 +0000

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