Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses - TopicsExpress


Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be trampled underfoot by men. What would life be like without salt? Foods would be bland. Meats would spoil. Water would be avoided. Salt is necessary for life. It adds flavor to our food and it preserves meat and keeps it from spoiling. Salt creates thirst and drives us to water, which is necessary for the preservation of life. Jesus emphasized the importance of spiritual salt. He says that we who are Christians are the salt of the earth. How are we like salt? First, we add flavor and zest to life. What would this world be like without Christian people. Our influence is felt far and wide. The more influential that we become for Christian values the more that we will add to the value of life. Second, we are preservatives. We are one generation away from paganism. Each generation of Christian people act to preserve the influence of Christianity in our world. A generation of Christians who choose to no longer be salty would bring the Christian influence to an end. Third, we keep the world from spoiling or spiraling completely out of control. Unbelievers do not recognize that we are their best friends. It is our Christian influence that provides liberty and freedom to mankind. Now notice what Jesus about salt that loses its saltiness. it is worthless. In Biblical times the salt that had lost its flavor would be cast onto the roadways and trampled by the feet of men and women as they traveled. This is the fate of Christians who lose their flavor. Their life is worthless for the cause of Christ. People trample on the gospel and reject its truths because of Christians who have lost their influence. Dont become part of the road bed and be worthless. Keep your salty flavor and continue to be a positive influence for Christ in our world. Have a blessed day.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:04:31 +0000

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