May I speak as an ambassador for/to my generation for a moment??? - TopicsExpress


May I speak as an ambassador for/to my generation for a moment??? Although I am not COGIC, I strongly resent the people on my timeline talking about what Blake did. Presiding Bishop Charles Blake is NOT your peer, he is NOT your buddy & you are NOT on his level. Some of the people with the most disrespectful opinions have never pastored a chicken coop but have ALL the answers for what should happen in the church world. Furthermore, success in ONE area does not translate to success in ministry so you running a thriving car lot for example does not make you an expert on church growth. While Im at it, the same thing goes for Ellis, Morton, Jakes, Jones, etc. Whether or not you agree with their decisions or their doctrine, lets restore HONOR to our conversation. These men have paid havent even submitted your application fee.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:04:06 +0000

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