Maybe Federica Mogherini, should clean up her back yard before - TopicsExpress


Maybe Federica Mogherini, should clean up her back yard before going after Israel? Here is data of Antisemitc Incidents in Europe just in first half of 2014: Austria Zivilcourage & Antirasismus Arbeit (ZARA) reported 30 incidents in Austria between January and 7 July 2014, among which one violent incident targeting a person and two violent incidents targeting Jewish property. From 7 July until the end of August, ZARA reported 14 incidents, including two violent incidents against persons and two other incidents targeting persons. Belgium The Inter-federal Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism reported 37 incidents for the period covering January-August 2014, more than half of which (20) took place between 7 July and 31 August. The Centre reported that 32 of those incidents were targeting persons, 12 of which were recorded during and after the conflict in Gaza. It is noticeable that 7 out of 12 of the anti-Semitic incidents targeting persons were of violent nature. One incident targeting Jewish property was recorded between January and July, while one incident of arson on a synagogue was reported during the conflict in Gaza. Czech Republic The Jewish Community Prague recorded 15 incidents from January to June and twice as many (30) during July and August. During the first half of the year. France LICRA reported 109 incidents during the first half of the year and 2 incidents in the months of July and August. In total 107 incidents targeted persons during the whole period, 12 of them were of violent nature. One incident on a synagogue and five incidents on other Jewish property were reported to LICRA. The Service de protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ) reported 326 incidents during the first half of 2014, of which 149 incidents targeted persons. One third of the incidents (51) against persons included the use of physical violence. During the month of July only, the SPCJ recorded 201 incidents, including 140 threats and 61 violent acts against persons (28) or property (3). Notably, two terror attacks. Germany The Amadeo Antonio Foundation reported 5 incidents for the first half of 2014 and 86 for the months of July and August 2014. These included 34 incidents targeting persons, 19 of which took place during July-August 2014. The number of incidents targeting persons involving physical violence amounted to 6 during the first half of the year and 1 during the summer months. There were nine incidents recorded targeting property (two targeting synagogues, one community center, and six aimed at other Jewish property) from January to June; there were 15 incidents recorded targeting property in July and August (nine targeting synagogues, one a community center and five other Jewish property). The Association for a Democratic Culture in Berlin reported 25 incidents in Berlin for the first half of 2014. Among the eleven incidents targeting persons, five were of violent nature. The rest of the incidents were directed at Jewish property. From 7 July and until the end of August, the Association reported that 25 anti-Semitic incidents took place in Berlin Italy The Observatory on Anti-Semitism of the Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center reported 70 incidents between January and August 2014, of which 21 took place after the Israel-Gaza conflict started. Five incidents were directed at persons, five at a synagogue and 1 at a community center or other Jewish property. The Observatory reported that there were no incidents of violent nature recorded after the Israel-Gaza conflict started and that he recorded incidents did not target any persons. Netherlands The Center on Information and Documentation on Israel (CIDI) reported 105 incidents in the Netherlands from 7 July until the end of August. Twenty-nine incidents targeted persons, four of which were of violent nature. Three incidents targeted Jewish property. United Kingdom The Community Security Trust (CST) reported more than 60 anti-Semitic incidents from January to the end of July 2014, half of which were recorded during the month of July. There hundred and four (304) incidents were reported by the CST for the period January-June, including 2 incidents of violent nature targeting persons. In this period there were six attacks at synagogues, and 27 attacks at other Jewish property. During the month of July, CST reported 302 incidents, including 21 incidents of violent nature targeting persons, 2 attacks at synagogues and 12 at other Jewish property.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 21:00:44 +0000

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