Maybe I am just too old to appreciate or understand what is - TopicsExpress


Maybe I am just too old to appreciate or understand what is considered good music by todays standards. In my prehistoric opinion, this amazing cover of Led Zeppelins masterpiece Stairway To Heaven performed by another classic rock icon, Heart, epitomizes every aspect of what I consider REAL musical talent. The songwriting genius of the original composition provides a solid foundation for Ann Wilsons phenomenal vocals. Accompanied by sister Nancy on guitar, original LZ drummer John Bonhams ( now deceased ) son Jason on drums, and backed by an orchestra and choir full of talented musicians and singers, the collaboration is an auditory work of art. Meant to honor the original recording, Hearts authentic rendition of the timeless classic was a worthy tribute as evidenced by the sincere emotion on the faces of surviving Led Zepplin band members Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, even moving Robert Plant to tears as the song crescendoed. The magic of truly great music is the feeling it creates for the listener. Last week, out of morbid curiosity and to enlighten myself on the recent inescapable buzz surrounding the word Anaconda, I found myself Googling it. Sadly it no longer immediately links to information regarding one of the worlds largest reptiles, but something much scarier than a huge man eating snake. Instead of my search results producing photos of a 20-30ft long serpent, I was offered the choice of seeing Nicki Minaj crawl around in her viral video with or without lyrics. Is there really any lesser to either of those two evils? Now, I am no prude nor do I shock easily. I have an eclectic taste in music that includes everything from classic rock and country to Beethoven and Bach, rap and gospel, and everything in between. To me, if its good, its good, no category required. For some reason I could not stop my finger from hitting the little Play arrow. As I heard sounds of nature, birds tweeting set to a lovely scene from a rain forest, I thought hey, this isnt so bad, whats all the hype about? And then POOF! No more chirping and no more pretty trees . . . I just sat staring at my phone with my jaw hanging down and my eyebrows raised up to my hairline. Why I sat hypnotized continuing to watch this mind boggling atrocity is beyond me. Shock factor is all I can think of, and I assume that is the hook that Team Nicki was banking on, certainly not her overwhelming talent. To listen to something of that caliber on the heels of Stairway To Heaven was enough to make me choke on my own spit. I refuse to even call that worthless production music as it should not even be categorized as a performing art. I am sure she would say that I am just jealous, or rather a HATER. Well, if not feeling Anaconda deserves to be in the same classification as Stairway To Heaven, I guess thats what gets stamped on my forehead. It makes me ashamed for every true musical artist blessed with talent who now has to claim this travesty as a fellow musician and peer. Pretty bad when your 13 year old son says Mom, I wish I could have grown up when you did back when music was cool. Me too, Buddy, me too . . .
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:31:55 +0000

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