Meant to be: Episode 9 Omoye stood from her bed to find out who - TopicsExpress


Meant to be: Episode 9 Omoye stood from her bed to find out who her visitor was. She had planned to ignore whoever it was till he or she deemed it fit to leave, but she had to respond now since the caller had refused to stop knocking. She opened her door to find a distressed Iya Bobo standing before her. Iya Bobo, good afternoon, she greeted. Bobo ooo, you help me see am? Iya Bobo panicked. Omoye shook her head, the last time she had seen Bobo was when she was taking Victor to school, she had even playfully questioned Bobo on the reason he was staying at home rather than prepare for school. I be see am for passage in the morning, but I never see am since. Iya Bobo placed her hands on her head, which kind wahala be dis one now? she wailed, No vex say I come disturb you oooo, but I just dey ask around. Omoye wore her slippers, Make I follow you find am now, she suggested while both headed out of the passage. Thank you, Iya Bobo was trying hard not to sound frightened. Both women stepped out of the house while screaming Bobo on the streets, it didnt take long before other women joined the search team. Omoye took the search as an excuse to break away from the thoughts that had enveloped her mind the past few days. She was yet to come up with a plan and she had been avoiding Osagies calls and texts. Two hours later after the entire neighbourhood had been thrown into a total disarray, Bobo had been found sleeping in a damaged car at a mechanic workshop few streets away from theirs. The various volunteers of the search party had then dispersed to continue their various duties, Iya Bobos face now had peace that radiated strongly. Her face had constantly worn an award winning smile while she thanked those who had helped in the search. ---------------------- hello Baby, Ive sent the should receive an alert soon, Im sorry about your mum, its gonna be alright,ok? Sandra sighed. Yeah, thanks, I really appreciate this Sandra, Fola replied. He had been packing his clothes into his travelling bags, he had been a prodigal son for too long and was returning back to Benin for good. Im going to miss you, but you have to be in Benin since your mothers surgery is around the corner. Ill see you tonight shaaaa. Of course Fola replied. Sandra had offered to travel with him to Benin but he didnt oblige her. He felt guilty from his actions but he shrugged and comforted himself on the fact that she would get over it. -------------------- Dami closed the chm211 laboratory manual and stretched her forelimbs, she had been writing the report for about two hours. She looked at her wristwatch 5:55pm, where was this boy when you needed him? she said to her self. She had been working in the classroom while waiting for her lab partner Ore. When she didnt want him around her, he didnt give her a breathing space. And the moments she needed him, he suddenly was no where to be found. She had no call credit on her phone, the fact that they both used different networks wasnt helping matters. She could have just sent him a call me back message. She was feeling fatigue already, the laboratory experience had been terrible. The melting point experiment which had been carried out had appeared easy, but different groups had gotten different melting points for the same substance which the lecturers had provided. The melting range gotten by some groups had exceeded two, some even had upto ten. The failures that would come out of it wouldnt be funny. She just hoped she and Ore did well, the lecturers could pull funny stunts atimes. Currently in 200level, the last thing she wanted to bag was a carry over. Who ever needed extra load? she checked her wristwatch again, 6pm already. She itched her scalp, how would she get the remaining readings, Ore was simply a nuisance. She packed her books into her bag, plugged her ear-piece into her ears while listening to cool fm on her phone radio. The earpiece was always a good escape for her whenever she left the faculty of science for her hostel Fagunwa. The dirty comments Jaja boys made were offensive enough, but the trap you didnt want to get into was that of Sodeinde boys and Eni-Njoku boys, using the ear-piece therefore blocked their silly comments from getting to her. She got to her room to discover her room-mates were all out. She dropped her bag and was about to make her bed when her phone rang. It was an unknown number. Whenever she saw numbers like this, she made sure she didnt reply first. She picked the call and placed the phone to her ear. Princess walked into her room without greeting Chuks, she locked her door and lay on her bed. He had just put her through more stress, if this was how her first day in Lagos turned out, she dreaded what the remaining days of her holiday would be like.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 13:29:46 +0000

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