Media running with the Hare and hunting with the Hounds. - TopicsExpress


Media running with the Hare and hunting with the Hounds. The cacophony preceding the elections is growing shriller by the day. Nothing unusual at such times except that the Electronic media is more ubiquitous than ever before as it is freely engaging in games of rhetorical brinkmanship with each other and the political protagonists. In doing so it is also trying to retain its niche and self declared freedom, which at times is jarring as it defies decency and morality. Is it, therefore, possible, that to curry favours, some media houses operate a hidden agenda, to promote someone/ some cause, in the oft contrived and fascinating headlines, as suggested by Arvind Kejriwal. Most have taken a strong exception to AKs remark that owners of such media houses and their journalists, who act as mouthpieces for a price, would be jailed if his Party came to power. Some among the not so holy media driven by their intrinsic guilt have unleashed a tornado of controversy and 24/7 vitriolic against the audacity displayed by AK in stating the obvious. My take is that AK is bang on target and is fearlessly chartering his anti corruption agenda, with concessions to non. What seems to pique the media, the most, is some kind of perception/remorse/call of conscious that they may have created a Frankenstein by promoting AK and his AAP. Needless to say that what the media did was not gratis and no favours were showered on AK as the media was paid in full, enough and more through the TRPs they garnered by covering every small/big action of his. It is for all to see that the Media was totally supportive of AK till Delhi elections. Soon after that, just prior to formation of his Govt the media began to sing the BJPs and Congresss tune to decry the AAP for shirking its responsibility in not forming a minority Govt. After formation of the Govt for the next 49 days, in concert with the BJP and Congress, it was constantly bickering and relentlessly hounding the AAP for immaturity, ineptness, irresponsibility et al. Neither the Media nor the BJP/ Congress attempted to seek any accountability from the Govts in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh that were formed along with the AAP Govt in Delhi. Isnt that a partisan and prejudicial approach of the media? AK is not wrong in calling media to account. The domineering ,know all attitude displayed by almost all anchors to pursue their agenda, at times totally biased and partisan, is abhorrent, unethical and unpatriotic. To retain its edge and to be eulogized the way it wants to be, the media would have to stay neutral, above board and totally non partisan. Failing which, they should not grudge the nation if it seeks accountability from them and brings the defaulters to book. The Media must not forget that Freedom can not last long unless it is coupled with Order. Order can exist without freedom, but freedom can never exist without order.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 10:03:35 +0000

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