Meditation, the Key to Prospering. Haven’t we all fantasized at - TopicsExpress


Meditation, the Key to Prospering. Haven’t we all fantasized at times about everything we do going well for us? Usually those fantasies are selfishly about our own glory rather than God’s glory. But did you know that God says there is actually a way to prosper in all we do, if we define prospering the same way that God does? Psalm 1 actually says in verse three, “…and in whatever he does, he prospers.” Is there a catch? Maybe not a catch but certainly a prerequisite. Now let’s look at the verses that precede this promise. Psalm 1:1-3 1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. 3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. Proper meditation upon God’s word is what God promises to bless with prosperity. So what is this meditation that these verses reference? It is certainly not transcendental meditation where one empties his mind only to have it filled with who knows what. Rather, it is filling one’s mind with scripture and thinking through the meaning of each word, phrase, verse, and even a whole passage. But proper biblical meditation goes beyond simply considering what the scripture means. It also prayerfully envisions how the truths of that scripture should be applied to one’s life. It goes beyond proper thinking to proper action. That is why God promises prospering for those who meditate on His word. As an aid to meditation, it helps greatly to memorize scripture, for then we can meditate on that passage anytime and anywhere. The only Bible we have when the lights go off, are the verses we have memorized. If we are going to meditate as we fall asleep or when we awaken during the night, we have to have some verses memorized. As a new believer I was desperate to gain freedom from my old nature vulnerabilities and was challenged to apply the principle of scripture memory and meditation. Over the years I have made it my goal to regularly commit scripture to memory. Whatever degree of success has come to my life since becoming a believer nearly 31 years ago is due in large measure to meditating on the word of God. But we can also meditate on scripture whenever we read the scriptures or hear them preached. We can think and reflect on the meaning and application of the scriptures we read and hear. That means taking the time to read slowly with reflection and digging for truth. Where we have besetting sin issues we can memorize or have at hand a list of applicable verses that address those issues, and review them regularly to prepare for temptations and to help us resist sin when temptation knocks, as it certainly will at times. Verse 3 above uses the analogy of a tree firmly planted by streams of water. With deep roots, the tree will survive drought without withering and will faithfully produce the fruit its owner desires. So let’s dig our spiritual roots deeply into the truths of God’s word so that we may be abundantly fruitful for the Lord. The rewards are truly wonderful! Blessings, Steve Wilkins, Biblical Counselor
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 10:45:13 +0000

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