Meet the Owner from an 18$ program that can make you a - TopicsExpress


Meet the Owner from an 18$ program that can make you a millionaire. David Harrison – C.E.O. In March of 2013, Four Corners Alliance Group was launched. For David Harrison, this was a dream come true. He was now finally able to utilize his years of experience in business management, software design, programming and a passion for personal financial development. David started his career as a musician in his late teens and early twenties. He learned at a very early age that very few musicians had the business skill set to make music a viable career. However, he was able to harness his love for music by landing a job for one of the largest musical instrument retailers in Australia. He quickly obtained the position as manager where he was placed in charge of sales and technical support. He also spent four years managing a luxury seasonal hotel in the Australian ski fields that focused on customer service and catered exclusively to the families of celebrities, business magnates, and governmental dignitaries. His network marketing experience began in the year 2000 when David signed up as a Herbalife Distributor. From his past retail experience, he quickly was able to retail products along with the ability to build a network marketing distributorship base that reached as far as Thailand. With his technical background, he immediately saw the potential for using the internet as a means of promoting an online business. He became an avid student of internet marketing, web copy writing, web design, search engine optimization, and lead generation. To this day, he understands the importance and continues to study the latest information on internet and network marketing. In 2002, David met his wife while they were mutually promoting several online businesses. After a year of carrying on a long distance relationship, he decided to move to the United States from Australia, where they were married several months after he arrived. David returned to his technical roots in programming from his Atari, Commodore, and IBM days when asked by an acquaintance to save his broken network marketing compensation plan. Word of mouth spread and David was offered limited partnership interests in other network marketing companies as head of their Technical Department. David became extremely frustrated at this time as he observed first hand the lack of business skills and downright naivety by the Founders of these network marketing companies when it came to running a successful business. He saw that failure for these companies was inevitable. He felt that it was now time to forage ahead on his own and create a company whose goals focused on teaching people how to build long term financial security for themselves. Thus, Four Corners Alliance Group was born.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:00:48 +0000

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