Meeting of Anderson’s Brigade From the Columbus (Ga.) - TopicsExpress


Meeting of Anderson’s Brigade From the Columbus (Ga.) Times March 3, 1865 [From the Macon Telegraph and Confederate.] At a meeting of Anderson’s brigade, Fields’ division, held at their entrenched camp, near Richmond, Feb. 10th, 1865, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The emergency demands vigorous action in order that we may resist the accumulated strength of our powerful and implacable enemies; and whereas, the Congress of the Confederate States have from time to time pledged the entire resources of the country to the prosecution of the war, to an honorable peace, and have very recently reiterated this patriotic determination; and whereas, we echo their sentiments, and desire to secure to our common country the benefits that must certainly flow, not from the mere declaration of this high resolve, but from prompt action in fulfillment of it: Therefore be it: Resolved, That we call upon Congress to take necessary steps for immediately placing 200,000 negroes in the ranks of the Confederate army. We care not for the color of the arm that strikes the invader of our homes. Resolved, That our depleted commands should be consolidated, and in no event should the companies be less than the minimum now prescribed by law, viz: 64 rank and file. Resolved, That our confidence is greatly heightened by the promotion of our noble, chieftain, Gen. Lee, to supreme command, and as in the past, so in the future, we’ll follow where he leads. Resolved, That while we call upon those in whose power it lies, to increase the number of those who must meet the onslaught of the enemy in the ensuing campaign, still, if they withhold this assistance, their delinquency will not cause us to swerve from our unalterable determination to die as freemen rather than live as slaves. Resolved, that a copy of the preamble and resolutions of this meeting be forwarded to Gov. Brown, of Georgia, to be transmitted to the Legislature of our State. Col. E. F. Hodge, 9th Ga. Reg’t, Chairman. (actually, was Col. Hoge..[ed. by Neal]) Lt. J. W. Morrow, 11th Ga. Reg’t, Sec’y [MARSHALL] TEXAS REPUBLICAN, July 5, 1862, p. 1, c. 4 A Brave Contraband. —Among the incidents of the battles near Richmond, the Dispatch relates the following: In this place we may mention an amusing scene that occurred of late near the Mechanicsville road. The 8th and 9th Georgia were ordered out to repel the enemy, when, upon the men falling in one of the 9th stepped from the ranks and told the captain he wasnt able to face the music. You are scared, said the captain; lay down your gun and accoutrements, and retire sir. The chicken-hearted gentleman did so, when shortly afterwards there stepped forward a good looking darkey, named Wesley, well known in camp, who asked permission to put on the deserted accoutrements and shoulder his gun. The request being granted, Wesley followed the company into action, and though the shells and minnie balls of the enemy were falling thick and fast about him, Wesley never wavered, but brought down a Yankee at every fire. Such a deed is worthy of remembrance, and should inspire our soldiery with tenfold energy and courage, if possible, for if servants will do this, what may not be accomplished by the master? ALBANY [GA] PATRIOT, November 21, 1861, p. 3, c. 1 Concert. We are requested to state that a Concert will be given on Friday and Saturday nights next, by a portion of the *colored* population of this city, for the benefit of the brave and noble spirits who have gone forth to repel the invading foe who are now making foot prints on our sacred soil. This speaks well for the colored people, and shows that they are not only willing to contribute their last hard earned dollar to our cause, but shoulder the musket, should the occasion require it, to rid our country of those Northern vandals who now seek to murder, plunder, and take from us all that we hold most dear on earth.--We bespeak for them a crowded house.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 05:41:30 +0000

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