Men work hard to make money. Most of them spend long hours to - TopicsExpress


Men work hard to make money. Most of them spend long hours to build a shining future for their children. They go to the gym on daily basis and spend most of the time home on their emails and laptops. On their day off, they hangout with friends playing video games or watching a football match. They fail to appreciate that the lonely wife is a prisoner under their control between four big walls. She cant work without his permission, cant go out without his permission, must always look pleasant and the house is tidy and clean. She must tolerate the nonsense his mother keeps on saying and accept it as a fact. His sisters always treat her badly and ridicule every decision she makes. She is not allowed to open her mouth, otherwise she is labeled as a nagging and disrespectful wife. She can count the number of words he says to her in the whole day. Most of them are orders or prohibitions. This kind of life makes her unaware of the luxuries she is enjoying. She needs a man in her life and not an ATM machine. She wants someone to communicate and reciprocate with, someone who shares her feelings as if they were his own. That is why, when their is no love in her life and no Iman in her heart, such a wife surrenders to the first evil man who gives her affection and false promises. Men need to wake up as evil is lurking in the corners of their own homes
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 08:22:35 +0000

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