Mercury is slowing to a crawl getting ready to turn around and go - TopicsExpress


Mercury is slowing to a crawl getting ready to turn around and go retrograde over the weekend. This past weekend, he moved into Scorpio activating not only an important part of his retrograde journey, but the very point of the Solar Eclipse that happens at the end of this month. If anything particular arose at that moment (particularly Sunday) it may be part of whatever is coming up for you to notice and work with. Eclipses help us shift our consciousness and the two that are part of this month come sandwiched directly between Mercury’s retrograde cycle. It’s going to be a powerful month. Mercury is going to be offering us something rather magnificent with this retrograde, though it promises to be (as growth usually is) a bit challenging and potentially painful. With him getting ready to station (appear to be standing still) things are already beginning to get retrograde-ish. You can focus on the breakdowns and the challenges if you are so inclined, but you’d be better off looking for the insight and awareness he is offering and the messages that are being presented to you about what his 21-day cycle has in store. The more you know, the better advantage you can take of his inward journey. The signs will be everywhere this week. Also building this week is a Grand Fire Trine between Mars, Jupiter and Uranus which begins to peak at the very moment that Mercury goes retrograde on the 4th. Mars is the activating force in our solar system and when he is engaged in a geometrical pattern, things tend to happen. Uranus is the element of change that happens very suddenly, like lightning in a bottle. Mars and Uranus together can create unexpected twists and turns where anything can happen and probably will. It is Jupiter, the archetype of expansion and abundance that brings the yummy into the mix. His involvement in this building energetic can absolutely offer us the chance to manifest great things. However, I cannot drive this point home enough: You cannot receive any Good that you do not feel you deserve. The challenge to this is connected to our relationship with the unconscious mind. You can pray and affirm till the cows come home that your life is filled with Abundance, but if under the surface of consciousness you do not feel you deserve it, it will not come to you. Or of it does, you will not be able to hold on to it. A Fire Trine involving Jupiter has the capacity to transmute ANYTHING in your belief system, even hidden thoughts of lack and limitation. Fire takes one thing, breaks it down into something new (carbon, in fact, the building block of all Life) and allows us to begin again and it does so very quickly. Jupiter Trining Uranus for the next ten months hands us this capacity to transform on a plate. But it will not happen without your stepping up; a Trine doesn’t do anything but increase the flow. You must do the work. Of course, we all want the answers to the burning question, “But what do I DO to facilitate such a transformation?” I saw a funny post on Facebook this morning that said “Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is that you are making bad choices and doing stupid things.” So the first step in answer to the question we are considering today is make sure you are living the highest version of your life possible. Jupiter in the self-care archetype of Cancer should have helped this along quite a bit. Setting intentions is key. The most important work is Radical Forgiveness. Ritual is powerful, creating representational ways in which you act out your desired healing and releasing. And sometimes outside help with a therapist or spiritual counselor is necessary. And at the end of the day, the most crucial posture to be working toward is a life where you are engaged in as constant a state of Prayer as possible. Your Mind is always going to be doing something; you may as well train it to pray constantly. This Mercury Retrograde and Eclipse cycle will support this idea with great gusto. If you still feel baffled by this model, it’s time for you to book a private session with me! And for sure, order my recording about the month of October for a little clarity and inspiration. dreaminginterpretation/operating-instructions-eclipse-mercury-retrograde-mp3-download/
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:24:10 +0000

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