Merged into His Fullness SCRIPTURE READING: Exodus 3:1–10 - TopicsExpress


Merged into His Fullness SCRIPTURE READING: Exodus 3:1–10 KEY VERSE: Psalm 66:12 You have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; but You brought us out to rich fulfillment. God uses the vexing route of brokenness to merge us into His fullness. • Moses would have never seen the miracles of the Red Sea and the wilderness unless he had been weaned from the self-sufficiency of his youth. • David would have never known the intimacy and care of God if he instantly stepped into the royal palace following his victory over Goliath. • Joseph would have never grasped the magnificent sovereignty of God in feeding the nations if his brothers had not sold him into forced slavery. God does not lack great and mighty things to show us. He waits on humble, hungry men and women who have admitted their inadequacy and have no other hope but Himself. He achieves that transformation by striking at the root of self-sufficiency—pride. Pride gets in God’s way. It expresses itself in some form of manipulation or overconfidence. It seeks to exalt self and cherishes the admiration of others. The riches of God’s storehouse are distributed to the meek of heart, the weak in spirit. The tightly clenched hand of pride cannot receive it. Only brokenness can release the grip. Father God, help me release my grip on the things of this world so that I can receive the riches of Your storehouse. I have no other hope but You. You are my adequacy. Stanley, C. F. (1999). On holy ground (183). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 10:23:21 +0000

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